Rainbow in Europe??

Marcus L. Endicott (mendicott@igc.apc.org)
Tue, 27 Oct 1992 20:23:50 -0800 (PST)

/* Written 6:44 am Oct 27, 1992 by noah@i13d4.ira.uka.de in cdp:alt.gathering. */
/* ---------- "Rainbow in Europe??" ---------- */
Hi -

I posted this question a couple months ago but
got no response. Hopefully the readership has grown and
someone can help??

For about a year now I've heard lot's about Rainbow gatherings,
met some people that have participated, but have never had a
chance to see be part of one myself.

I had heard of a big gathering in Poland last year, but nothing
since then. Are there any Rainbow groups in Europe? Or more
specifically Germany??? If anyone could send me contact info
I'd be a happy person.

thanks folks


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