Center for Alternative Living Medicine

The Unofficial Informational Site for the Center for Alternative Living Medicine of the Rainbow Family of Living Light


CALM is the tribe of people at the Rainbow Gathering who are entrusted with setting up public health and sanitation systems and with providing health care for Family members during the Rainbow Gatherings.

The CALM staff is made up of volunteers representing a broad range of healing modalities. Among our group are found licensed medical doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, certified homeopaths and naturopathic doctors, lay and nurse midwives, EMTs, social workers and mental health counselors, massage therapists, herbalists, Native American shamans and other spiritual healers. You do not need to be a formally trained “healer” to work at CALM. The Rainbow Gathering is a healing place and we are all at the Gathering to heal ourselves, the planet and, of course, each other. If you have love in your heart and an open mind, than you too can work at CALM.

We all work together, not just to fix the booboos and sunburn that people experience while living harmoniously in a national forest during a Rainbow Gathering. We do spiritual and emotional healings as well.

CALM is a workshop on how the various healing modalities can work in concert together to heal the body , mind and spirit of those at the Gathering. It is not unusual for an MD, an herbalist, a Reiki therapist and a chiropractor to all work together on a specific client to help with a healing. It is a place where practitioners teach each other about their various healing approaches. Personal ego trips are discouraged because healing energies and egos do not work well together.

Besides learning by doing, formal workshops are also offered. These may include such topics as herbal plant walks, body work, women’s health and midwifery and homeopathy. We invite and encourage people to offer these workshops as an opportunity to grow and share with each other.

CALM Council meets daily during the Gathering to democratically discuss issues which affect the efficient delivery of health care and to assess problems of sanitation on the Gathering in general. In these councils we share who we are and what we specifically do for healing modalities, discuss and develop treatment strategies for difficult to treat patients, and work on issues of quality control.