Decree of the Red Crystal Earth

Marcus L. Endicott (
Fri, 15 Jan 1993 16:43:53 -0800 (PST)

>On Red Magnetic Dragon, March 5, 1993, the call is out for the gathering of
>the Rainbow Nation of planetary kin. This gathering will take place at as
>many different places on the planet as is necessary. From this gathering
>will be issued the drecress of the Earth Tribunal to set in motion the path
>of the thirteen moons. This path will climax with global celebrations on
>July 26, 1993, Yellow Magnetic Seed, and be completed by November 20, 1993,
>Red Magnetic Dragon, the commencemnet of the next galactic spin, "Earth

White Crystal Dog
Dreamspell Salon
1745 Beach Street #9
San Francisco, CA 94123-1622 USA
(415) 922-3743

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