New book about New Age Nomads

Marcus L. Endicott (
Fri, 16 Jul 1993 10:07:26 -0700 (PDT)


by Richard Lowe and William Shaw

243pp. Fourth Estate. Paperback, UKP 8.99
1 85702 140 1

- In the July 2, 1993, TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, page 31, there
is a review by Alexander Urquhart, "Of no fixed abodes", of the
new book by Richard Lowe and William Shaw, entitled TRAVELLERS:
VOICES OF THE NEW AGE NOMADS. It is basically "a collection of
thirty autobiographical pieces" about the so-called "hippie
convoys," first kicked out of Stonehenge, now involved in doing
the so-called "free festivals" in Britain.

"... there is suspicion that the threat they are imagined to pose
to the Thatcher dream is disproportionately greater that the
actual disruption they have caused."

"The system's trying to stop people getting in touch with the
earth; that's why they're trying to stop nomadic life."

"... the government is able to exploit with Draconian measures
such as the proposed changes to the 1968 Caravan Sites Act.
Under existing law, local authorities are obliged to provide
sites for 'persons of nomadic habitat'. Squatters can be moved
from unauthorized land, but according to new proposals they would
be arrested and charged with a criminal offence."

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