Re: Urgent Message From New Zealand

Marcus L. Endicott (
Wed, 06 Oct 1993 07:13:43 -0700 (PDT)

>Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1993 04:42:47 -0700

>From: (Robert Hunt)

>the Resolution that the Wo rld Cour t sit to adjudicate
>the matter of the legality of Nu cl ear wea po ns (use and threat of use)
>this resolution goes before the UN General Assembly on Oct 18
>this resolution is voted on ... first week of December
>Chemical We apo ns Banned!
>Biological We apo n s Banned!
>Nu cl ear Weapons WHY NOT!!!
>Declarations of Public Conscience:
>help take n uc lear wea p ons to the Wor ld Cour t
>This is a letter you can take a copy of, sign, and send away to the
>Wor ld C our t Project - who will then send it on to the United Nations -
>in a bid to outlaw nu c le ar we apo ns under the Geneva Convention.
>I will include a few details about the project - the letter is fairly
>self explanatory. If anyone wants to know more about this then they
>can E-Mail me and I'll see what else I can find out.
>The World Court Project was launched in May 1992 by the
>International Physicians for the Prevention of Nu cl e ar Wa r,
>the International Pe a ce Bureau and the
>International Association of Lawyers Against Nu cle ar Arm s.
>The Hague and Geneva Conventions forbid certain inhumane we apo ns
>and practices in w ar, and also allow for new wea po ns which may be
>They state that when a we apo n or tactic of w ar is not specifically
>prohibited, the "dictates of public conscience" shall apply. This is
>why it is so important for as many people as possible to send a
>Declaration of Public Conscience - each one will strengthen the case
>against nu cle ar we ap ons.
>This Declaration is only a sample - you can write whatever you want.
>Send all Declarations to:
>W orl d Cou rt Project
>PO Box 4110
>Auckland 1
>New Zealand
>Phone: 0-64-9-3732379
>* All information taken from Wo rld Co u rt Project leaflet
>I/we affirm my/our desire and right to live in a world free from the
>threat of nu cle ar destr uction.
>Any use of nu cl ear we apon s, as well as being an unspeakable human
>tragedy, would constitute a violation of International law and a gross
>violation of human rights.
>Any use of nu clea r wea pons would inflict cruel and unnecessary
>suffering not only on the people against whom they are directed, but
>also on countless others not involved, their children and their
>descendants for many generations. It would also cause severe and long
>term damage to the environment.
>I/we believe that threatening to commit such crimes against humanity
>is also illegal. Relations between countries should be governed by
>justice, peace, and the observance of International law rather than
>through the threat or use of w eapo ns of mass destruc tion.
>I/we therefore support the initiative to seek an opinion from
>the International Court of Justice on the legal status of nu cl ear
>w ea pons, and wish the court to know that I/we believe that n u clea r
>we apon s are illegal according to international law and the dictates of
>public conscience.
>Nuc lear wea po ns are illegal according to international law and
>the dictates of public conscience.

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