SFPD arrests videocameraman. FNB 9/

20 Sep 1993 23:59:46

Matt, Chance and Vincent were arrested tonight
after serving food for a half hour. The police
specifically targeted Chance and others holding
video and photographic equipment. An undercover
officer arrested a homeless man for no visible

At 6:15 there were 4 patrol cars, 1 wagon and 1
undercover officer at Civic Center area.

Channel 2 Newsdesk is 510 839 2222
Channel 4 is 415 561 8000

FNB is seeking space for truck storage, preferably
Mission area, out of doors.

Special thanks to _dwalla for the fabulous
help. Also look forward to _Justice Desserts
and Food for GreenCards.

Rally Wednesday Noon Civic Center.

The opinions expressed herewith reflect no consensus on
the part of Food Not Bombs, Fractal Factory or any
combination of Aaron, Andrew, Keith, Scott or others.
Unless otherwise specifically mentioned. andyrose@netcom.com

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