RFD: misc.activism.food-not-bombs

28 Sep 1993 09:41:32

alt.org.food-not-bombs is no longer being used for
the dissemination of the facts surrounding recent arrests
of people serving food by the San Francisco Mayor Jordan,
and is now being used as a platform for a singular
member of our community to 'flame', given this we
would appreciate your consideration and comment regarding
elevating alt.org.food-not-bombs to

Please follow up active discussion on alt.org.food-not-bombs.

Because posting is explicitly allowed on an alt. group
regardless of content, and this person has used
explicit language and threats, as well as
racist, homophobic and bigoted comments, this
person has made our group 'unsafe' for users.

*** included FNBcharter

Around the Food Not Bombs community has sprung up an
active electronic contingent that feels the need for
alt.org.food-not-bombs to not be an alt group.

Food Not Bombs is a 100% organic vegetarian food
service group committed to social progress and
non-violent civil disobediance. FNB is dedicated
to raising public awareness of homeless and
poverty issues from housing to health. We feel
and have demonstrated that a number of city
issues have been unjustly blamed on convenient
scapegoats such as the poor, the black, the
latino, and the young underemployed. There
is a tremendous need for people to discuss ways
to elevate the status of the lowest among us,
so that we can all be liberated, for our
liberation is woven inextricably to the liberation
of all.

Please join in discussion on alt.org.food-not-bombs
or e-mail me private comments. I would like
to schedule a CFV for Sept 30 (?) Is that enough
>>to schedule a CFV for Oct 15(?) Is that enough
time to come up with a name and a charter?


**include flame
13 SFPD arrests videocameraman. FNB 9/20 1 andyrose@netcom.com (San
15 FNB 9/21 Worried about your next mea andyrose@netcom.com (San
16 Quaker advice for New Age Travellers andyrose@netcom.com (San
17 Food Not Bombs, I weep for my people andyrose@netcom.com (San
18 VICTORY IS AT HAND (china nuke test) andyrose@netcom.com (San +
19 Highwater #5 Sept 29 reading list 1 andyrose@netcom.com (San
20 Message line UPDATE andyrose@netcom.com (San
21 Freelander and Highwater #4 jwilson@netcom.com (Jack +
22 Andyrose has no soul 1 mayhem@access.digex.net +
23 FNB = Fools not Brains mayhem@access.digex.net
24 Bombs not Food mayhem@access.digex.net
25 Sterilize the Homeless mayhem@access.digex.net
26 San Francisco Fractal Factory mayhem@access.digex.net
27 RFD: alt.org.food-not-bombs.die.die.d mayhem@access.digex.net
-> 28 RFD: alt.org.food-not-bombs.on.the.re mayhem@access.digex.net
29 Low water #5 Sept 29 reading list mayhem@access.digex.net

thanks -a

The opinions expressed herewith reflect no consensus on
the part of Food Not Bombs, Fractal Factory or any
combination of Aaron, Andrew, Keith, Scott or others.
Unless otherwise specifically mentioned. andyrose@netcom.com

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