ALMOST FREE TO FOSTER A COMMON UNDERSTANDING OF FACTUAL REALITY, TO PROVIDE A FOUNDATION FOR EQUALITY, JUSTICE AND FREEDOM; ALMOST FREE IS PUBLISHED, AS CIRCUMSTANCES WARRANT, BY THE D.C.. CREW. OPINIONS EXPRESSED IN ALMOST FREE ARE PURELY THOSE OF THE AUTHORS, AND ARE NOT NECESSARILY SANCTIONED BY THE RAINBOW FAMILY, THE PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE, PEOPLE FOR COMPASSION & UNDERSTANDING, D.C. CREW OR ANY OTHER ORGANIZED OR UNORGANIZED ENTITY. P.O. BOX 27217, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20038; 202-462-0757. ____________________________________________________________ WELCOME HOME ... The beast is at bay, for the time being at least CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE RAINBOW WARRIORS WHO HELPED HOLD THE LINE AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT'S REGULATORY ATTACK ON FREEDOM. ON MAY 18, 1994 FOREST SERVICE CHIEF JACK THOMAS ISSUED A PRESS RELEASE ANNOUNCING A DELAY IN PROPOSED REGULATIONS. IN THESE TIMES OF EVER INCREASING GOVERNMENT CONTROL, THIS WAS A SIGNIFICANT VICTORY FOR FREEDOM. HISTORY OWES THOSE SISTERS AND BROTHERS WHO SPOKE OUT A DEBT OF GRATITUDE. BUILDING WHAT IT CALLS A "PROACTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT" POLICY, IN THE PAST YEAR THE U.S. FOREST SERVICE PROPOSED TWO REGULATIONS. TOGETHER THESE REGULATIONS WOULD CHANGE THE "RIGHT" OF FREE ASSEMBLY ON PUBLIC LAND INTO A "PRIVILEGE," SUBJECT TO THE WHIM OF MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL "LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS." THIS TIME THE FOREST SERVICE BIT OFF MORE THAN IT COULD CHEW. THE LAW ENFORCEMENT REGULATIONS CAUSED CONCERN FOR ROCKHOUNDS AND HUNTERS, AS WELL AS FOR PEOPLE WHO CHERISH FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND ASSEMBLY. THUS A SPONTANEOUS COALITION FROM BOTH THE LEFT AND RIGHT OF THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM RALLIED TO OPPOSE THIS REGULATION. THESE CONCERNS WERE EXPRESSED THROUGH LETTERS TO THE AGENCY, CONGRESS AND THE MEDIA. EVENTUALLY MORE CONVENTIONALLY-MINDED PEOPLE BEGAN TO QUESTION ALLOWING "LAW ENFORCEMENT" TO DICTATE PUBLIC ACCESS TO PUBLIC LANDS. SENATOR CONRAD BURNS (R-MONT) SUMMED IT UP, "ONLY ELITIST BUREAUCRATS COULD THINK UP THIS KIND OF NONSENSE." APPARENTLY THE WEIGHT OF PUBLIC OPINION PRESSED HEAVILY ENOUGH ON THE MACHINERY OF GOVERNMENT TO DERAIL THESE REGULATIONS ... AT LEAST TEMPORARILY. ON MAY 9TH ELLEN HORNSTEIN, ASSISTANT GENERAL COUNCIL FOR THE DOA, SAID THE USFS HAD DECIDED TO REDRAFT THE "PERMIT" REGULATION, AND THAT A FINAL RULE WOULD NOT BE READY "FOR A FEW MONTHS." ON MAY 18TH CHIEF THOMAS ANNOUNCED THE SECOND REGULATION WAS ALSO BEING WITHDRAWN. THE USFS LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION REPORTED THEY HAD RECEIVED "BUSHELS OF MAIL" IN OPPOSITION TO THE "LAW ENFORCEMENT" REGULATIONS. HAVING FORCED THE GOVERNMENT TO RECONSIDER ITS PATTERN OF REGULATORY ABUSE IS A NOTABLE VICTORY. STILL, WINNING A BATTLE DOES NOT MEAN THE WAR IS OVER. THIS WASN'T THE GOVERNMENT'S FIRST ATTEMPT TO PERPETRATE THE "BUREAUCRATIC NONSENSE." ACCORDING TO CHIEF THOMAS, IT WON'T BE THE LAST. THE NEXT REGULATIONS WILL TAKE CARE NOT TO OFFEND SO MANY PEOPLE. WE CAN'T AFFORD TO RELY ON THE SAME BROAD-BASED OPPOSITION. COUNCIL ON THESE ISSUES, ON THE LAND, JULY 1-7 IN WYOMING. LOOK FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AT LEGALIAISON COUNCIL, CO-OPERATIONS CENTER AND SUNRISE KITCHEN. _________________________________________________________ THE WORLD OF TODAY IS BUILT OF YESTERDAY'S IDEAS; WHAT WILL TOMORROW'S WORLD BE LIKE? Throughout the ages humanity has sought out the prophesies of the spiritually gifted to instill a clear hope and vision into life. During this time many prophesies come to us trying to lead us in many different directions. Some prophesy points to disaster, hopelessness, and the annihilation of mankind. But other prophesies create a vision of joyful transformation through quantum leaps into love and light. We are dreamers and we create physical reality through the thought-forms we hold. As things stand now, the human race is dreaming a hell. But as individuals and as a collective humanity it is our potential to dream of paradise and to create the kingdom of heaven on our Mother Earth. Could it be that the pain in our hearts caused by the hell we have created will spur us on into visions and creations of a world formed in love? -- Harley Swiftdeer, April, 1983 ____________________________________________________________ THE PRICE OF LIBERTY IS ETERNAL VIGILANCE. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT PRESSURE CONTINUE TO BE APPLIED, BUILDING ON PUBLIC AND CONGRESSIONAL OPPOSITION TO POLICE STATE REGULATIONS. THOSE WHO APPRECIATE THE PRECIOUS NATURE OF FREE ASSEMBLY ON PUBLIC LAND ARE URGED TO UNIFY IN THOUGHT AND ACTION TO RESIST THE COMMON ENEMY THREATENING THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF ALL HUMANITY. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT SUCH UNITY WILL ONLY BE MANIFEST BY SERIOUS, FOCUSED, WELL-INTENTIONED, COOPERATIVE COMMUNICATION AND FOLLOW UP. __________________________________________________________ Just because somebody thinks something different than you doesn't necessarily mean what they think is contradictory to what you think. There is only reality (the Spirit, the earth and the cosmos) and the individual perspective (distortion) of reality. Reality is the matrix within which individual perspectives exist. Individual perspective is to Truth (reality) as fish is to ocean. In reality, when we are one, we act on common beliefs. When united in common belief, our actions are in harmony. Disharmony indicates separation from oneness and reality. ______________________________________________________ RE-INVENTING GOVERNMENT: ECONOMIC CONVERSION THROUGH NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT SCORES EASY VICTORY IN D.C. ELECTION: IS NOW CONGRESSIONAL BILL HR-3750 REINVENTING GOVERNMENT IS A BIG JOB. THE PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE SUGGESTS DOING IT FROM THE BOTTOM UP. POWERFUL CRITICS LABELED THE CONCEPT "IDEALISTIC," BUT ON SEPTEMBER 14, 1993 PROPOSITION ONE WON AN ELECTION IN WASHINGTON, D.C. AS INITIATIVE 37. THIS GRASSROOTS INITIATIVE WOULD BEGIN CONVERTING THE WAR MACHINE BY CREATING A LAW TO REDIRECT THE MULTI-BILLIONS OF DOLLARS SPENT BY THE GOVERNMENT TO PRODUCE NUCLEAR WEAPONS INTO PROVIDING FOR HUMAN NEEDS AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION. THE WASHINGTON POST AND DC'S CONGRESSWOMAN ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON WERE THE FIRST BIG GUNS TO START SNIPPING. AT INITIATIVE 37. NORTON USED TV., RADIO AND NEWSPAPERS TO ANNOUNCE THAT IF THE MEASURE WON AT THE POLLS, SHE WOULD IGNORE IT. SOME OF HER PRECINCT WORKERS DISTRIBUTED FLYERS URGING VOTERS TO "VOTE NO ON 37!" IN A PARTICULARLY SLEAZY ELECTION DAY MANEUVER, THE POST FALSELY LABELED THE MEASURE "UNILATERAL." NEVERTHELESS, PEOPLE WERE HEARD SAYING, "I'M GOING TO VOTE FOR IT; YOU'D HAVE TO BE CRAZY TO VOTE AGAINST IT." MS. NORTON CHANGED HER MIND. IN A COMPROMISE MOVE, ON JANUARY 26, 1994 NORTON REWORDED INITIATIVE 37, AND SUBMITTED IT TO CONGRESS AS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILL ("H.R.") 3750. LIKE INITIATIVE 37, NORTON'S BILL REQUIRES THE U.S. TO "DISABLE AND DISMANTLE ALL ITS NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND TO REFRAIN FROM REPLACING THEM WITH WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION." ACCORDING TO DELEGATE NORTON, "THE BILL WOULD REDIRECT THE RESOURCES USED FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAMS TOWARD ADDRESSING HUMAN NEEDS SUCH AS HOUSING, HEALTH CARE, EDUCATION, AGRICULTURE, AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION. THE BILL ... IS DESIGNED TO TAKE EFFECT WHEN ALL FOREIGN COUNTRIES POSSESSING NUCLEAR WEAPONS ESTABLISH SIMILAR LEGAL REQUIREMENTS." IF THE BILL FINDS ENOUGH SUPPORT IN CONGRESS IT MAY EVENTUALLY MAKE IT TO THE FLOOR FOR A VOTE. "PEOPLE SHOULD DEFINITELY WRITE AND CALL THEIR FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVES ASKING THEM TO CO-SPONSOR H.R. 3750, AND THEIR SENATORS TO PROPOSE SIMILAR LEGISLATION IN THE SENATE," SAYS ELLEN THOMAS, A SPOKESPERSON FOR THE PROPOSITION ONE COMMITTEE. "WRITE THE HOUSE ARMED SERVICES & FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEES , WHICH ARE PRESENTLY CONSIDERING THE BILL, AS WELL, c/o THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20015." PROPONENTS OF THE CONCEPT ADMIT IT IS A VERY AMBITIOUS PROJECT, AND THAT THE ELECTION VICTORY IN D.C. WAS ONLY A SMALL BEGINNING. "REPLACING THE PREVALENT 'PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH' NEW WORLD ORDER WITH ONE BASED ON PEACE THROUGH JUSTICE, AND CHANGING THE PRESENT MILITARY/INDUSTRIAL ECONOMIC STRUCTURE INTO A HUMAN/ ENVIRONMENTALLY-BASED ONE IS A CHANGE OF EVOLUTIONARY PROPORTIONS. PRACTICALLY SPEAKING, THIS WILL DWARF THE COMMUNIST OUSTER FROM EASTERN EUROPE.," SAYS THOMAS. PROPONENTS THINK A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT WILL PROBABLY BE NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE TRULY BINDING LAW OF THIS MAGNITUDE. DELEGATE NORTON SAYS, "NUCLEAR WAR IS AN INAPPROPRIATE SUBJECT FOR CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS." "MS NORTON MEANS WELL," THOMAS RESPONDS, "BUT SHE'S JUST ONE POLITICIAN, ONE LAWYER, AND HER OPINION CAN BE WRONG. LAW IS ONLY WHATEVER AGREEMENTS HUMANITY MAY ESTABLISH FOR THE PURPOSE OF STRUCTURING SOCIETY. "WE THE PEOPLE STATED THE PURPOSE OF THE CONSTITUTION IS 'TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION, ESTABLISH JUSTICE, INSURE DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY, PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENCE, PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE, AND SECURE THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY TO OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY....' PROPOSITION ONE IS DESIGNED TO ADDRESS THESE CONCERNS. "THE IDEA IS SIMPLE: ESTABLISH CONSTITUTIONAL LAW THAT WOULD MANDATE A MORE CONSTRUCTIVE USE OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND ERADICATE A MAJOR THREAT TO THE PLANET, NUCLEAR WEAPONS. THIS WOULD BE A BIG CHANGE. LAW WOULD HAVE TO START SERVING THE BEST INTERESTS OF PEACE AND JUSTICE," THOMAS EXPLAINS. "SOMEDAY, IF ENOUGH OF US AGREE THAT DESTROYING LIFE ON THE PLANET MUST BE AVOIDED, IT MIGHT BE OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE THAT THIS IS THE KIND OF LAW HUMANITY CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT." PERHAPS WHAT IS MOST UNIQUE ABOUT THE IDEA IS THAT IT SEEKS TO CREATE CITIZEN-GENERATED LAW. "IN THOUSANDS OF YEARS POLITICIANS AND LAWYERS HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO FIND PEACE AND JUSTICE. AS DWIGHT EISENHOWER SAID, THE TIME HAS COME FOR THEM TO STEP ASIDE AND LET THE PEOPLE SHOW THEM HOW TO DO IT," THOMAS SAYS. THE STRATEGY IS A GRASSROOTS CAMPAIGN THAT WILL FOCUS ENERGY, THROUGH A NATIONWIDE VOTER INITIATIVE CAMPAIGN, INTO A MOVEMENT WITH ENOUGH POWER TO FORCE THE POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT TO ACCEDE TO THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE -- A PROCESS SIMILAR TO THAT WHICH GENERATED THE 21ST AMENDMENT AND EVENTUALLY REPEALED PROHIBITION. TO ACHIEVE PRACTICAL EFFECTS THE IDEA WILL REQUIRE BROAD AND DEEP SUPPORT. PROPONENTS INTEND TO REPEAT THIS SUCCESS IN ELECTIONS ACROSS THE COUNTRY WHEREVER INITIATIVE PROVISIONS EXIST, AND WORK TO CREATE INITIATIVE PROVISIONS WHERE THEY DON'T PRESENTLY EXIST. ____________________________________________________________ THE VISION: CONCEIVED, BY RELATIVELY WELL-INTENTIONED HUMAN BEINGS, IN LIBERTY, AND DEDICATED TO THE PROPOSITION THAT ALL PEOPLE ARE CREATED EQUAL GRANBY COLORADO, 1972: ARMAGEDDON POSTPONED YOU COULD READ ABOUT IT IN THE DENVER POST, OR SEE IT ON THE SIX O'CLOCK NEWS. BY THE MIDDLE OF MAY, ALL 800 OR SO PEOPLE IN GRANBY EXPECTED TO BE OVERRUN - BY AN ESTIMATED ONE MILLION FANATIC CHRIST AND DOPE ADDICTS COMING TO A BLASPHEMOUS FESTIVAL AT TABLE MOUNTAIN, RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR PARK. IT WAS GOING TO LAST THREE WHOLE DAYS, AND CLIMAX ON THE 4th OF JULY - SACRILEGE FOR SURE - A BUNCH OF PEACE CRAZIES TRAMPLING OVER THE MOUNTAINS ON INDEPENDENCE DAY. A MILLION OF THEM! GRANBY WAS GEARING UP FOR THE GREATEST NATURAL DISASTER SINCE THE LOCUSTS ATE UTAH. A MILLION IS WHAT THEY SAID, OR SOMETIMES 144,000. WHOEVER HAD ORGANIZED THE EVENT, THE RAINBOW TRIBE, OR SOME SUCH LUNATIC GROUP, HAD BEEN WORKING ON IT FOR THREE YEARS. THEY HAD INVITED EVERY CONGRESSMAN, SENATOR AND WORLD LEADER; BUT OF COURSE NO ONE EXPECTED NIXON OR MAO TO SHOW. WORSE, THE ONE BIG TOURIST WEEKEND OF THE SUMMER WOULD BE A BUST. HIPPIES (IT IS WELL-KNOWN) DON'T SLEEP IN MOTELS, OR BUY GUNS OR FISHING EQUIPMENT. BUT THE PEOPLE WHO DID, THE REGULARS, THE SMALL TOWN SUMMER PEOPLE, THEY WOULD AVOID GRANBY BY THE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. CONSIDER: THE 4th OF JULY IS A BIG, CRITICAL HOLIDAY. STOPPING THIS FESTIVAL WOULD BE A MATTER OF SURVIVAL FOR MOST OF GRANBY. A CONTROVERSIAL LETTER WRITTEN BY A LOCAL BUSINESSMAN: "YOU CAN'T EVEN BUY A BOX OF .22 SHELLS. WE HAVE LOCALS 'SPOILING' FOR A FIGHT JUST TO KILL OR HARM SOMEONE JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT. I EVEN GET THE FEELING MANY OF THESE LOCALS ARE GLAD THE 'STRAWBERRY FOLK' ARE HERE SO THE VIGILANTES CAN ROUST THEM OUT AND BURN THEM UP JUST LIKE A GENE AUTRY MOVIE..." A COURT ORDER WAS ISSUED AGAINST THE GATHERING AT TABLE MOUNTAIN, BUT A LOCAL DEVELOPER, PAUL GEISENDORFER, 46, OFFERED A 360 ACRE SITE AT STRAWBERRY LAKE, NINE MILES FROM THE MOUNTAIN. *** THERE ARE THOSE WHO WILL TELL YOU BARRY E. ADAMS IS A SPIRITUAL HUSTLER, THE ELMER GANTRY OF HIP. OTHERS KNOW HIM AS BARRY PLUNKER, OR JUST PLUNKER, AND CONSIDER HIM A PROPHET. IN 1969, PLUNKER HAD A PROPHETIC VISION. A GREAT GATHERING OF TRIBES, THE 144,000 OF GOD'S ELECT MENTIONED IN THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS. THE ELECT WOULD ALL MASS ON INDEPENDENCE DAY AT THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE - A SPOT WHICH ARAPAHO LEGENDS CONVENIENTLY FIX AT TABLE MOUNTAIN. THE MORE PLUNKER TALKED ABOUT IT TO HIS TRIBE, THE RAINBOW FAMILY OF LIVING LIGHT, THE MORE REAL, THE MORE INEVITABLE THE VISION BECAME. THERE ARE THE INDIAN LEGENDS CLAIMING THE SPIRIT OF SLAIN WARRIORS WILL RETURN TO RECLAIM THE EARTH. THE GATHERING OF THE TRIBES COULD BE THE PEACE DANCE THE HOPI ELDERS ALWAYS TALKED ABOUT; IT COULD ALSO BE THE GREAT GHOST DANCE THE PLAINS AND MOUNTAIN TRIBES STARTED TALKING ABOUT IN THE LATE 1890's. EQUIPPED WITH A LIST OF 1000 OR SO COMMUNES IN AMERICA, THE PROPHET PLUNKER SET FORTH WITH HIS BROTHER RAINBOW TRIBESMAN GARRICK, TO TESTIFY PERSONALLY TO THE WILL OF GOD. PLUNKER'S ENERGY, ALONG WITH GARRICK'S ENERGY, GENERATED A UNIVERSAL WAVE OF SPIRITUAL EXCITEMENT. A GREAT PYRAMID WOULD BE BUILT ON TABLE MOUNTAIN. PLUNKER CARRIED A ROCK TO FORM ITS BASE FOR THREE YEARS. AND AT HIGH NOON ON INDEPENDENCE DAY THE ELECT WOULD JOIN HANDS AND O-M-M-M-M. WITH THAT MUCH SPIRITUAL ENERGY VIBRATING 9000 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL, WHO COULD TELL WHAT WOULD HAPPEN? APOCALYPSE? ARMAGEDDON? THE END OF THE WORLD? THE GENESIS OF THE UNIVERSE? IN EARLY APRIL A ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL PARK REPRESENTATIVE, NAMED STEVE HICKMAN, EXPLAINED THAT DIRECTLY OVER THE RIDGE FROM TABLE MOUNTAIN, THE EDITOR OF THE DENVER POST HAD A SUMMER CABIN, AND OVER ANOTHER RIDGE, A HIGH OFFICIAL IN THE CALIFORNIA STATE PATROL HAD ANOTHER SUMMER CABIN AND THERE WERE OTHER, EVEN MORE POWERFUL MEN WITH CABINS, AND FOR THIS REASON, TABLE MOUNTAIN WAS "SENSITIVE." THERE ARE LAWS AGAINST ARMAGEDDON IN COLORADO, OR SO IT SEEMED. IF THE PROPHETS TRIED TO LEAD THE TRIBE UP THE MOUNTAIN, HICKMAN SAID, THEY WOULD BE REPULSED. A COMMAND POST WAS BEING PLANNED AT ONE OF THE CABINS. THERE WOULD BE A SHERIFFS POSSE AND STATE PATROLMEN, AND MAYBE EVEN THE NATIONAL GUARD. MEANWHILE THE PROPHET PLUNKER APPEARED IN A COLORADO COURT WHICH FORBADE THE GATHERING. THEN GEISENDORFER CAME FORWARD WITH HIS STRAWBERRY LAKE LAND. THE PROPHET GARRICK AND A RAINBOW BROTHER NAMED PATRICK HAD A CONFERENCE WITH COLORADO LT. GOVERNOR JOHN VANDERHOOF. THE WAY GARRICK TELLS IT: "PATRICK EXPLAINED THAT SINCE THE INDIANS WERE THE 12 LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL, AND THE PEOPLE ON THEIR WAY TO COLORADO WERE THE REINCARNATIONS OF DEAD INDIANS, THE GATHERING WAS FOREORDAINED IN REVELATIONS.... VANDERHOOF SAID SOMETHING LIKE, 'I DON'T CARE IF YOU HAVE GOD ON YOUR SIDE, I'M THE LT. GOVERNOR AND I SAY THERE WILL BE NO FESTIVAL ON TABLE MOUNTAIN'." AN UNIDENTIFIED RANGER QUOTED IN THE DENVER POST SAID, "THE ONLY REASON THESE KIDS COME UP HERE IS FOR DOPE AND SEX." BUT ANYONE FAMILIAR WITH THE TWO COMMODITIES KNOWS THAT IF YOU WANT A STEADY SUPPLY, YOU BRING YOUR OWN. AND IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN, THEN THERE'S NO PARTICULAR REASON TO HITCHHIKE HALFWAY ACROSS THE UNITED STATES, RISKING ARREST AT THE HANDS OF NERVOUS POLICE AND BRUTALITY AT THE HANDS OF SELF-RIGHTEOUS REDNECKS. THERE'S NO REASON TO SPEND A LUNG-CHOKING HOUR CLIMBING STRAIGHT UP A SCALDING DUSTY ROAD. WANDERING AROUND, TALKING TO PEOPLE AT THE STRAWBERRY ENCAMPMENT, I DIVIDED THEM INTO A QUARTET OF CATEGORIES: 1) THOSE WHO CAME FOR A ROCK FESTIVAL 2) THOSE WHO CAME TO BE WITH PEOPLE LIKE THEMSELVES, AND SIMPLY DRAW STRENGTH FROM CONGREGATION, 3) LOST SOULS AND ACID CRAWLBACKS, SEEKING STRUCTURE IN LIFE, OR A COSMIC MESSAGE, 4) THE FISHERS OF SOULS, BELIEVERS AND GURUS, LOOKING FOR RECRUITS, OR MORE EXACTLY, CONVERTS. THE ENCAMPMENT ITSELF WAS SET IN A MEADOW 3 MILES IN DIAMETER AND PERHAPS A MILE LONG. THE CAMP WAS SPLIT INTO TINY COMMUNITIES, PEOPLE IN BIBLICAL ROBES, NAKED PEOPLE, VARIOUS LONERS DRAWN TOGETHER BY SOME KIND OF AFFINITY. THERE WERE AT LEAST FIVE COMMUNITY KITCHENS - FREE FOOD FROM THE COMMUNE OF YOUR CHOICE. THE DENVER POST SAID THE CAMP HOSTED 15,000 PEOPLE AT ITS RUSH HOUR, BUT THERE IS NO REAL WAY TO ACCURATELY ESTIMATE THE NUMBER OF PILGRIMS. ABOUT 4:30 ARMAGEDDON MORNING SOMEONE STARTED BEATING A CONGA DRUM. THE CAMP ROSE EARLY. THE PLAN WAS TO MARCH THE NINE MILES TO TABLE MOUNTAIN. IF THE POLICE FORCED A CONFRONTATION, THE FAITHFUL WOULD OVERWHELM THEM WITH LOVE. "TREAT THE PIGS LIKE BROTHERS." NEARLY THREE HUNDRED OF THE DEVOUT HAD MADE THE LONG TREK TO THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT. THEY WERE ALREADY ENSCONCED AT THE TOP OF TABLE MOUNTAIN, WAITING FOR WHAT THEY HOPED WOULD BE 143,700 OF THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. THE LOVE FAMILY QUICKLY DISMANTLED THEIR CAMP. ORGANIC MATERIAL WAS BURIED IN A HUGE PIT. INORGANIC WASTE WAS CARTED DOWNTRAIL IN HUGE PLASTIC OR BURLAP SACKS. BY NINE, BUT FOR THE COVERED PIT AND THE TRAMPLED GRASS, THERE WAS NO SIGN ANYONE HAD BEEN THERE. IT WAS A HALF HOUR WALK FROM STRAWBERRY LAKE TO THE BASE OF TABLE MOUNTAIN. THERE WERE NUMEROUS STATE PATROLMEN, PARK SERVICE EMPLOYEES, AND SPECIAL DEPUTIES ALONG THE WAY. THEY WERE SMILING AND GOOD-NATURED IN CONTRAST TO THE RAW-NERVED PANIC OF THE PREVIOUS FEW DAYS. A CHEERFUL ARMY HELICOPTER CIRCLED OVERHEAD. IRONICALLY, MOST OF THE FESTIVAL-GOERS WERE SKIPPING ARMAGEDDON TO GET AN EARLY START ON THE ROAD. ONLY A LITTLE OF THE 1000 MADE IT TO THE BASE OF TABLE MOUNTAIN, AND SEVERAL HUNDRED OF THOSE DROPPED OUT AFTER ASSAYING THE CLIMB. NEARLY 800 FEET UP. THE ANGLE WAS AS STEEP AS A FIRE ESCAPE ON A NEW YORK TENEMENT. THERE WAS SOMETHING BIBLICAL, AT LEAST SYMBOLIC, ABOUT A LONG LINE OF COLORFULLY DRESSED PEOPLE, VISIBLE ALL THE WAY UP THE SUMMIT, TRUDGING SLOWLY UP A MOUNTAINSIDE. "TAKE A ROCK FOR THE PYRAMID, BROTHER," I WAS TOLD SEVERAL TIMES. "I'LL PICK ONE UP ON TOP." I SAID. MANY CARRIED ROCKS, HOWEVER, MINIATURE CROSSES ON AN AMERICAN GOLGATHA. CRESTING, I TOOK PARTICULAR DELIGHT IN THE VIEW TABLE MOUNTAIN IS THE SUMMIT POINT IN AN IMMENSE VALLEY SURROUNDED BY WHITE CAPPED MOUNTAINS. OTHERS, WITH TEARS IN THEIR EYES, WERE ALREADY ON THEIR WAY DOWN. STILL, THERE WERE EASILY 2000 PEOPLE NEAR THE SUMMIT AND THEY WERE SINGING AND OM-ING AND CHANTING HAPPILY. MOST OF THEM WERE NAKED. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE END OF THE WORLD?" I ASKED A FULL-BREASTED GIRL WITH LOBSTER RED SKIN. "THIS ISN'T THE END OF THE WORLD," SHE REPLIED SHARPLY. "IT'S A GATHERING OF THE TRIBES." I WALKED OVER TO A NAKED COUPLE HOLDING HANDS AND STARING OUT OVER LAKE GRANBY. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE END OF THE WORLD?" "IT ISN'T HIGH NOON YET, BROTHER." I SHOWED THEM MY WATCH. "THAT'S CONGRESS TIME," I WAS TOLD. "HIGH NOON IS WHEN THE SUN IS DIRECTLY OVERHEAD." SO IT WAS. ANOTHER CHANCE FOR ARMAGEDDON. FIVE MINUTES BEFORE THE APPOINTED HOUR, 1500 GATHERED TO SIT NAKED, HOLD HANDS AND OM, I WAS THE FULLY-CLOTHED MAN OFF TO ONE SIDE. AT PRECISELY HIGH NOON, 1 O'CLOCK, THERE WAS A PONDEROUS MEDITATIVE SILENCE LASTING SEVERAL MINUTES. THE PROPHET BARRY PLUNKER, WHO HAD BEEN SITING IN THE CENTER OF THE OM, PICKED UP HIS TWO-STRING LUTE AND WALKED SLOWLY ACROSS THE SUMMIT PLATEAU. HE SAT NAKED AND ALONE, FACING THE LAKE. I TOOK AN UNHOLY GLEE KNOWING THAT I WOULD BE THE FIRST TO ASK THE CRUEL AND DEADLY QUESTION. FOUR OR FIVE OF HIS TRIBE JOINED HIM AND THEY WERE SITTING IN QUIET CONVERSATION WHEN I SQUATTED DOWN WITH THEM. "SAY, BARRY, DIDN'T YOU PROPHESY SOME KIND OF ARMAGEDDON?" "YES, YES, OF COURSE," HE SAID QUICKLY ENOUGH. "WE OM-ED HERE TODAY AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN THE COMMUNES AND JAILS ACROSS THE WORLD OM-ED WITH US. AND AT THE CENTER OF THE MANDALA," HE POINTED DIRECTLY OVERHEAD AT THE BLAZING SUN, "IN THE CENTER THERE IS GOD." "YOU SEE HIM THERE?" I ASKED. "NOT WITH THESE EYES, BROTHER, BUT I FEEL IT ... HERE" HE THUMPED HIMSELF ON THE CHEST. PLUNKER'S EYES DRIFTED BACK TOWARD THE LAKE. HE DIDN'T WANT TO TALK. "SO MANY PEOPLE..." HE BEGAN, THEN STOPPED. "I FORGOT WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY." A SHORT, ATTRACTIVE RAINBOW SISTER SAT WITH US. "HELLO, FINE LADY." THE PROPHET SAID. I DIDN'T ASK ANYTHING ABOUT THE PYRAMID. BARRY'S ROCK WAS ONE OF FIVE IN SOMETHING THAT WAS HARDLY A PILE, MUCH LESS A PYRAMID. BARRY SURVEYED THE SUMMIT PLATEAU. HIS EYES WERE MOIST AND SAD. "I CAN STILL SEE IT. HE SAID SLOWLY, "MANDALA CITY. OVER THERE WE WOULD HAVE THE TENTS OF THE ELDERS, AND HERE WOULD BE THE COMMON COUNCIL, AND ON THAT FAR RIDGE WOULD BE TENTS OF THE TRIBES. I SEE ...." HE SHOOK HIS HEAD AGAIN, PERHAPS NOT ALTOGETHER CONFIDENT OF THE VISION. WE SHOOK HANDS AND SAID GOOD-BYE. ON THE WAY TO THE DOWNTRAIL, I SAW A DARK AND HAIRY MAN SPREAD ON HIS BACK STARING SAVAGELY AT THE SKY. I SQUATTED NEXT TO HIM. "GARRICK, WAS THE GATHERING EVERYTHING YOU EXPECTED IT TO BE?" "YES, ABSOLUTELY. IT'S A SPIRITUAL LANDMARK. THERE'S MOUNT SINAI, THE MOUNT OF OLIVES, AND TABLE MOUNTAIN.... I FEEL THAT THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF WORLD HARMONY," HE SAID. "I FEEL IT HERE." HE TAPPED HIS CHEST. excerpted from ROLLING STONE, Tim Cahill, August 3, 1972 ___________________________________________________________ ZIPPIES IN RAINBOWLAND: A CYBERDELIC MEDIA DRAMA Michael John and Fraser Clark, anarchic English promoters in the mold of Malcolm McLaren, have stirred the UK culture vultures, pushing their shiny-red "youth culture" panic button by producing public outdoor dance parties and declaring the dawn of a new order. In 1994 they have noisily decided to repeat this performance in the USA - with the unlikely aid of the Rainbow Family. Will the sound-system wielding so-called "zippies" take the forest dwelling Rainbows by storm? Will ten thousand ecstacy crazed city kids trash the cathedral of nature at the Rainbow Family's holiest of holidays? Or will everyone just turn on, tune in, and have a great time? We've been down this road before, humming the refrain, "don't believe the hype." Wired magazine created a minor furor within the Family when it published a misinformation-filled article about the zippies in May, 1994, proclaiming, "Here come the Zippies!" from its cover. Among other inaccuracies, author Jules Marshall wrote, "Clark's Megatripolis Advance Party will host its free, annual megarave at the Rainbow Gathering at the Grand Canyon in Arizona August 1-15." Wired magazine also publishes electronically, and the online community was regaled with postings proclaiming: "Megatripolis/Evolution Magazine on a USA tour with the Rainbow Family! July 1-7, 1994 Landor, Wyoming Steamboat Springs, Colorado Aspen, Colorado Vale, Colorado August 21-28 'Paradigm Jumping off the Grand Canyon Rave' Red Butte (south Rim of Canyon) October 21-31 TBA" Who are these "Megatripolitan Zippies" trumpeting the "tour with the Rainbow Family?" Fraser Clark's Encyclopedia Psychedellis (EPi) magazine makes vague claims about uniting the apparently dualist opposites of the hippie and the techno-person. Wired magazine quotes EPi, "According to EPi a zippie is 'someone who has balanced their hemispheres to achieve a fusion of the technological and the spiritual'." More brief, yet also mystifying, is the description, "hippies with zip." Rainbows across the country were amazed to see Fraser Clark inviting the world to a "megarave" at the Rainbow Gathering. One brother by the name of Muddy voiced many of the concerns of the Family, "There are a couple of problems with a rave at the Rainbow Gathering. One is the aversion of the Rainbow Family to amplified music. Right off they won't let you bring it into the gathering. The rave will be in the parking lot far from the gathering - in A camp (alcohol camp) near the front gate with the cops and the weirdness. Two is the problem of the new Forest Service Regulations which may be enforced at this years gathering. The Rave organizers MUST be in touch with Rainbow Legal as this situation is charged and potentially dangerous." Indeed, the US Forest Service has proposed two new rules of direct consequence to the Rainbow Family. The proposed changes to 36 CFR parts 251 and 261 would require a special use permit for group events or the distribution of printed material and would make illegal a broad range of activities including gathering firewood for personal use, drinking a beer or making loud noises. The Rainbow Family has refused to sign any permits for its Gathering, citing the First Amendment right to peaceably assemble and to freely exercise religion. They have won two court cases against similar regulations. Also a little odd to Rainbows is Fraser Clark's whole rap about introducing the ravers, or "zippies" to the Rainbows. Any Rainbow would understand that these so-called "zippies" already are Rainbows (welcome home!), and need no invitation from Fraser Clark to attend. In an interview with John Bagby posted electronically Fraser Clark states, "I say to the Rainbow people, this is the sons and daughters of the ruling class. This is what we asked for, so let's not look a gift horse in the mouth. Yet few Rainbows could recall praying for an invasion from the middle class. As muddy comments online, "Rainbows are whoever comes, we don't 'get' anyone. Cultural synergy is an ongoing healing force.... People are people. Each one is unique. Why all the walls, categories, buzzwords and labels?" By way of clarification, John Bagby writes, "The Zippies are not intending to broadcast to the world - "Hey, come pee in the Wyoming wilderness!" We'd like the Gathering to have only a contingent of Zippies to meet in summit." Yet the question remains in many minds, why the media campaign by the self- proclaimed leaders of this "zippie movement?" As anyone who has attempted to meet "in summit" with the Family soon discovers that there is no summit there! Rainbow are religiously leaderless, and suspicious of those who claim to lead. Not only Rainbows are suspicious of the zippie invasion. One raver posted his concerns about the media-friendly Mr. Clark. "The reason I do not want MTV level coverage of the house scene is that I don't want to see a bunch of clueless, beer-guzzling frat types descending on the scene who I will have to clean up after! Yes, I'm calling names. I've been going to parties since 1991 and always stay at the end to clean up (including picking up other people's cigarette butts and beer cans out of the sand) and you can definately tell where there is a big influx of people who are new to the scene and just don't think about picking up after themselvfes. "What is the goal of the publicity?" Also, for cultural revolutionaries, the Brits seemed a bit ignorant of their history. As muddy posted, "If you are notaware, zippie! is an american group formed as an offshoot of Yippie! Zippie is zeitgiest international party and was/is to yippie what the weather underground was to SDS. There are zippies still living underground because of government prosecution. Many zippies were involved in the early phone phreaks and are now cyberpunks. "What I am trying to say is that in America, there have been two authentic groupings of people which I know of that shunned media and remained "real." They are the Rainbow Family and the Zippies. Both groups are very old and ingrained in the culture of kids that never even heard of them. "Now these names are being copped by this British money making organization amaybe to show that they have some sort of cross market." The Zippie-Rainbow meeting is gearing up to be mementous in the grand tradition of the non-event, complete with media exploitation. The small and unamplified band of emissaries from across the pond will be welcomed into the multi-hued and multi-tribal festival of peace, light, and healing that occurs every July in North America. And they will be requested, gently, to check the hype at the front gate. A PRAYER FOR WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING _________________________________________________________ From:: Carla B. Newbre December 16, 1993 To: Jim Lyons, Assistant Secretary for National Resources and the Environment Dear Mr. Lyons, It has come to my attention that you may have been approached by groups or individuals implying that they speak for the Rainbow family respective to revisions to 36 CFR 251 & 261. There have been many individuals over the years who have caused confusion at Rainbow Gatherings and throughout the rest of the year by acting as though they held a position of power or that they spoke for the family as a whole. Ordinarily, folks who imply that they have a vested position, or any other sort of "official standing," in the family are simply a nuisance and no more need be said. However, in the past few months there has been a certain group of individuals who have misrepresented themselves as being in a vested position of dictating Rainbow family policy and legal strategy respective to the revisions to 36 CFR. They call themselves, among other things, Legaliaison - D.C. Crew; Lobbyliaison; People for Compassion and Understanding; Peace Park; Proposition One; etc. They use as a return address P.O. Box 27217 Washington, D.C. 20038. What makes them different from other people who have professed to hold some special power or position within the Rainbows family is that, in their zeal to fight the revisions to 36 CFR, they have implied, as well, that the Rainbow family is open to some sort of compromise regulatory activity such as an Operating Plan. Due to their relative lack of Gathering experience and a failure to understand how Rainbow group process works, they have become something of an embarrassment to many of us who have been working on these issues for several years. It is my understanding that they have recently requested a meeting with your office in order to present their case. This letter informs you that neither this group, or any other group, nor any individual, is vested nor may be vested in any manner to represent, speak for, or be empowered to negotiate the interests of the Rainbow Gathering or any of its attending family. Hopefully, I would welcome any return correspondence from you on this matter. And, although no individual or group may speak for Rainbow family interests, there is nevertheless a consensed to address in Nacogdoches, Texas where you and others may address your concerns and/or opinions. Be assured that all opinions and concerns directed to the Rainbow Family Tribal Council through this office will be brought to all of our attention at our annual Gathering 1-7 July (and will not be responded to until then). Legaliaison Office c/o 3029 Woden Rd. Nacogodoches, TX 75961 Thank you for your time and attention. Peace, Love, and Light, Carla /b. Newbre _______________________________________________________________- From: PEOPLE FOR COMPASSION AND UNDERSTANDING January 1, 1994 TO: Jim Lyons, Assistant Secretary for Natural Resources and the Environment Dear Mr. Lyons: On December 28, 1993 we received both a certified, return receipt requested copy of a letter addressed to you from Carla Newbre of Eugene, Oregon, and a copy of a Washington Post article written by Guy Gugliotta. Coincidentally, both Ms. Newbre's letter and Mr. Gugliotta's article pose the same erroneous idea: that People for Compassion and Understanding speak "on behalf" of the Rainbow Family. People for Compassion and Understanding is a group that formed in response to amendments to 36 CFR 251 and 261, proposed by the United States Forest Service on May 6, 1993, Federal Register, Vol. 58, No. 86, pg. 26940. The unifying agent of this group is a common agreement that the proposed amendments constitute an unnecessary and intolerable assault on the freedoms of belief, expression and assembly which would affect every individual subject to the laws of the United States. That this regulation would affect the Rainbow Family, as individuals subject to the laws of the United States, is self-evident. However -- as illustrated by Ms. Newbre's letter, and notwithstanding Mr. Gugliotta's article -- our previous correspondence to your office shows that the idea People for Compassion and Understanding might have ever tried to "represent" the Rainbow Family is totally unsupported. Of course, we do not expect that Ms. Newbre's letter or Mr. Gugliotta's article will diminish the consideration given by your office to communications from People for Compassion and Understanding. Nonetheless, please be advised that People for Compassion and Understanding do not purport, or wish, to represent the Rainbow Family. Thank you, W. Thomas _______________________________________________________________ SCRIBAL DISCLAIMER No one really knows what's going on, yet many opinionated voices are eager to argue about whatever might, or might not, be going on. Here's one more: PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE WITH GOVERNMENT EFFORTS TO CRUSH FREEDOM UNDER THE WEIGHT OF MINDLESS REGULATIONS DOES FORM A BASIS FOR SEVERAL EDUCATED OBSERVATIONS: 1. THE PURPOSE OF REGULATORY AGENCIES, LIKE THE FOREST SERVICE, IS TO REGULATE; 2. THE MORE AGENCIES REGULATE, THE MORE REASON AGENCIES FIND TO REGULATE MORE; 3. BECAUSE THE NATURE OF PEOPLE IS TO RESIST REGULATION IT IS NECESSARY FOR REGULATORY AGENCIES TO REGULATE DESPITE PUBLIC RESISTANCE; 4. ALTHOUGH PUBLIC OPINION MAY SOMETIMES DELAY THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A GIVEN REGULATORY SCHEME, IN THE END REGULATORY AGENCIES MUST TRY TO REGULATE, BECAUSE THAT IS THEIR PURPOSE; 5. NOTWITHSTANDING THE HUMAN TENDENCY TO RESIST REGULATION, PEOPLE ARE QUITE LIKELY TO ACCEPT UNREASONABLE RESTRICTIONS IF THEY ARE IMPOSED INCREMENTALLY RATHER THAN ALL AT ONCE. USFS CHIEF THOMAS' MAY 18TH PRESS RELEASE INDICATES THAT THE FOREST SERVICE REALIZES ITS "LAW ENFORCEMENT" REGULATION OVERSTEPPED THE BOUNDARY OF PUBLIC TOLERANCE, AND IS NOW PURSUING A MORE INCREMENTAL APPROACH. REMEMBER THAT ELLEN HORNSTEIN SAID A FINAL "PERMIT" REGULATION - - SEPARATE FROM THE "LAW ENFORCEMENT" REGULATION -- IS EXPECTED "IN A FEW MONTHS," AND CHIEF THOMAS DECLARED, "WE CANNOT LET OUR PRESENT OUT-OF-DATE RULES CONTINUE." WHAT THE FOREST SERVICE SAYS IT WILL DO NEXT IS TO DEVELOP A NEW RULE WHILE TAKING CARE NOT TO OFFEND ROCK HOUNDS OR HUNTERS. TO ACCOMPLISH THIS THE FOREST SERVICE WILL NARROW ITS FOCUS TO "LARGE GROUP SPECIAL USE SITUATIONS." AS CHIEF THOMAS EXPLAINED, "(W)E WANT PEOPLE TO BE SURE OF OUR INTENTIONS BEFORE WE PROCEED." THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ARGUED THAT "JUST GOVERNMENTS" EXIST TO SECURE CERTAIN "INALIENABLE RIGHTS, AMONG THEM LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS." THOSE WHO JUSTIFIED GOVERNMENT ON THAT BASIS ADMONISHED, HOWEVER, THAT IN THE EVENT GOVERNMENT SHOULD BECOME DESTRUCTIVE TOWARD THOSE ENDS IT WAS THE DUTY OF THE PEOPLE TO ALTER OR ABOLISH THE GOVERNMENT AND INSTITUTE A FORM OF ORGANIZATION MORE RESPONSIVE TO THEIR NEEDS. THEORETICALLY WE HAVE THIS POWER OF SELF-GOVERNMENT. THE EXPERIENCE OF THIS REGULATION PROVES THAT PEOPLE UNITED CAN HAVE SOME EFFECT ON CHECKING THE GOVERNMENT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT UNLESS REASONABLE PEOPLE CHECK THE GOVERNMENT, THE GOVERNMENT WILL CHECK REASONABLE PEOPLE. ASK YOUR CONGRESSPERSON TO FIND OUT WHO IN THE FOREST SERVICE ORIGINATED THE IDEA OF THE 25 PERSON PERMIT REGULATION.. TALK TO NEWS MEDIA, GROUPS AND YOUR FRIENDS ... TRY TO CONVINCE THEM OF THE SIMPLE FACT THAT "FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY" PRECLUDES REQUIRING A PERMIT FOR ASSEMBLY. _________________________________________________________________ WACO: THE POLICY November 13, 1993 Howdy, For twenty-one years the Rainbow Family of Living Light has gathered, in numbers from 14,000 to 30,000, in a National Forest for the expressed purpose of "praying for peace on earth and the healing of the planet." Every year the Forest Service does a report on the Gathering. Every report relates that the Gathering caused no problems, and that the land was left as good, if not better, than it was in the beginning. The Forest Service has proposed regulations that would render this harmless spiritual observance a "crime". Some folks think the problem is just a few wild bureaucrats who've run amok. Others think the problem is that government thrives on power, power corrupts, the more power government obtains, the more it wants, and this regulation is the "logical" extension of the government's continuing drive for power. What hasn't the government already regulated? What valid interest can the government possibly have to regulate freedom of thought and assembly? What about the Koresh massacre? For fifty one days the FBI arrested any media person who came within two miles. Each morning Special FBI Agent Bob Ricks held a press conference to assure the world that David Koresh was irrational. The FBI blasted the Koresh people with amazing stereo equipment and flooded them with blazing lights. Then, fearing the bright lights and loud music might cause psychological damage to "the children," the FBI rammed main battle tanks into the Koresh compound "poking holes" and spraying "nonflammable" teargas inside. "The next logical step," Agent Ricks said. Coincidentally -- Agent Ricks, Attorney General Reno, and President Clinton tell us -- the Koresh people chose that moment to commit suicide by setting their house on fire. Imagine, the "Rainbow Gathering" becomes a "crime," but, the People gather anyway. Given an outlaw Gathering, what's poor Uncle Sam supposed to do? Most economical solution might be to just surround the Gathering with a chainlink fence. These CFR regulations, called "citation offenses," provide that when an agent accuses a person of a violation, the accused may post a $50 bond. Anybody who wanted to get past the Rainbow fence could just put up 50 bucks and make it back to Babylon. To facilitate "due process" the Feds could just bring a gigantic T.V. screen down to the Main Circle, set up two-way video and audio equipment, and offer to hold court _ like those closed circuit courts they've already got going in Florida and some other places. Anybody who wanted could go to the video court and plead the First Amendment, or try to cut a deal with the magistrate for an intermediate sentence, trade time served for community service, or something. On the other extreme, anybody who wanted to hang out for six months could just hang tight, The federales could send in supplies. After six months, sooner if they want, they could take down the fence and everybody could go their way. Of course, at smaller gatherings, a hundred or so folks, the feds might think it was more economical just to round everybody up and farm them out to surrounding county jails. After Waco, one of the first things U.S. Attorney Reno suggested was looking at new laws and regulations to control "cults." Waco was a "proactive" enforcement approach. So is this rule. Thought needs to be focused on a broad unified opposition to proactive enforcement. If government is the problem, perhaps the only solution is to change government. In service to understanding, DC Scribe _______________________________________________________________ JELL-O FISH SOCIETY Imagine a large fishbowl, with a lot of goldfish living in it. Then imagine a shelf next to the mouth of the fishbowl on which there is a large pile of grape Jell-O mix. One day a fish, named Industry, leaped out of the water and, with a swipe of its tail knocked a few grains of Jell-O into the bowl. The other fish in the bowl thought that the purple grains of Jell-O brought new meaning and sophistication to their otherwise colorless existence. Some fish, close to the falling granules, noticed a sweetness in the water through which the grains of Jell-O drifted. In no time news of the discovery swept through the bowl. Before long a second fish, named Competition, leaped out of the water and, using a fin, deftly swept quite a few grains of Jell-O into the bowl's water. A third fish, named Education, studied the moves of Industry and Competitionas they continued to catapult themselves from the water, drawing more and more Jell-O into the bowl. Education founded a school and began teaching the younger fish the techniques of Industry and Competition. As more and more fish became involved in sweeping Jell-O into the bowl, certain problems became apparent. There were fish bumping into others as they leaped out of the water, some fish were crashing upon others as they returned to the water. To remedy these problems a fish, named Law, was appointed to regulate the leaping and landing of all fish. Of course a fish, named Enforcement, also had to be appointed in order to carry out the regulations of Law. For what seemed a very long time life in the bowl proceeded in what most of the fish agreed was a colorful, tasteful, sophisticated, orderly, and productive fashion. But there was one fish, named Cynic, who seemed not to be very agreeable. Most of the time Cynic just remained, nearly motionless, near the surface of the water watching the other fish as they dumped Jell-O into the bowl and went about the other functions necessary to the efficient and orderly dumping of Jell-O. Eventually things began to get a little sticky, but life in the bowl was becoming more colorful and ever more tasteful. Some fish began to notice that it was getting difficult to breathe, but they were a hardy lot and continued to leap from the water drawing more Jell-O into the bowl for the sake of sophistication and productivity. One day Cynic went to Law and predicted that, unless the fish stopped sweeping the purple grains into their environment, the entire fish society was going to find itself in a perfectly intolerable situation. Law was outraged that the slothful Cynic should dare to question the very basis of their colorful, tasteful, sophisticated, productive, and orderly way of life. Cynic was warned that his prediction amounted to treason, even blasphemy, and that if he repeated it he would be severely punished. Next some fish noticed that it was getting harder to move, and they couldn't swim as fast or jump as high as previously. Nonetheless they continued pulling more Jell-O into the bowl because that's what they had come to believe life was all about. Then several of the weakest fish died of asphyxiation. Almost instinctively the others continued to whisk more Jell-O into the bowl. Prompted by the fate of the weakest, Cynic returned to Law and repeated his prediction. According to his word, Law summoned Enforcement, Industry, Competition, Education, Tradition, Custom, Ritual, and together they flailed Cynic to death. Finally the water in the bowl gelled. Law, Enforcement, Industry, Competition, Education, Tradition, Custom, Ritual, and all the other fish also perished. MORAL No matter how tasteful or colorful, a society which cannot tolerate its critics must end. ____________________________________________________ Reinventing Resource Management: A Budding National Consensus? ON MAY 11, 1994, CHIEF JACK WARD THOMAS HOSTED A "TOWN MEETING ON REINVENTING THE FOREST SERVICE." THE FOLLOWING DAY THE CATO INSTITUTE PRESENTED A POLICY FORUM, "TIME FOR PERESTROIKA IN AMERICA'S NATIONAL PARKS." TOGETHER THESE FORUMS REPRESENTED TWO DISTINCT THEORIES OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. IN TWO SEPERATE MEETINGS STARTING FROM HIGHLY DIVERGENT PERSPECTIVES OF REALITY, SUPPORTING VERY DISTINCT VESTED INTERESTS, WIDELY DIVERGENT SEGMENTS OF SOCIETY AGREED, AT LEAST VERBALLY, ON THREE POINTS OF CONSENSUS ABOUT MANAGING NATIONAL RESOURCES: 1) THE MISSION OF NATIONAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SHOULD SERVE "THE BEST INTERESTS FOR THE GREATEST GOOD," 2) "THE BUREAUCRACY" IS INACCESSIBLE AND UNACCOUNTABLE, AND 3) THE ANSWER IS ACCOUNTABLE, RESPONSIBLE INTELLIGENT "RESOURCE STEWARDSHIP." TO START WITH, USFS CHIEF JACK THOMAS TALKED ABOUT HOW IMPORTANT IT WAS GOING TO BE FOR THE AGENCY TO LEARN TO START LISTENING TO ITS CUSTOMERS, THE TAXPAYERS. AS IF PRACTICING THIS NEW POLICY OF LISTENING, THE FOREST SERVICE SPLIT THE MEETING INTO HALF A DOZEN DISCUSSION GROUPS, WHICH EACH SENT A REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE THE ENTIRE GROUP TO REPORT WHAT EACH DISCUSSION GROUP SUGGESTED. IF THE CHIEF WAS LISTENING, THE EVENING PROVIDED A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO PICK UP SOME POINTERS. UNFORTUNATELY, CHIEF THOMAS' MEETING INSTEAD COULD BE DESCRIBED AS A TALK ABOUT STARTING TO TALK ABOUT ACCOUNTABLE RESOURCE STEWARDSHIP. THERE WERE NO ANSWERS FOR SUCH FUNDAMENTAL QUESTIONS AS: "WHAT DOES 'REINVENTING GOVERNMENT' MEAN?" AND "WHAT IS 'RESPONSIBLE ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT'?" HOWEVER THE VARIOUS REPRESENTATIVES REPEATED, OVER AND OVER, SEVERAL DISTINCT CONCEPTS: "BUREAUCRACY," "GREATER ACCESSIBILITY," "NEED TO ESTABLISH CLEAR, REASONABLE POLICIES." CHIEF THOMAS' MEETING DEPENDED ON A PERSPECTIVE WHERE "THE SERVICE" IS, AT LEAST LEGALLY, SOMEHOW DISTINCT FROM BOTH "THE GOVERNMENT" AND "THE BUREAUCRACY." THE FOREST SERVICE HAD PROPOSED TWO REGULATIONS -- ONE TO REQUIRE PERMITS FOR ASSEMBLIES OF MORE THAN 25 PEOPLE IN A NATIONAL FOREST, THE OTHER A "LAW ENFORCEMENT" REGULATION PROHIBITING EVERYTHING FROM REMOVING A PINE CONE, STONE OR FOSSIL, TO DISTRIBUTING LITERATURE, MAKING AN OBSCENE GESTURE, OR DRINKING A BEER IN A NATIONAL FOREST. THESE REGULATIONS HAVE DRAWN BIPARTISAN FIRE. REPRESENTATIVE DON EDWARDS/ (D-CA) OBSERVED, "THE PROPOSED RULE DOES INDEED APPEAR IMPROPERLY TO SINGLE OUT FIRST AMENDMENT ACTIVITIES FOR HEIGHTENED RESTRICTIONS." "IF THIS WASN'T SO SERIOUS, I WOULD LAUGH," SAID SENATOR CONRAD BURNS (R-MT). "ONLY ELITIST BUREAUCRATS COULD THINK UP THIS KIND OF NONSENSE.." BURNS GAVE MEANING TO HIS WORDS BY DRAFTING LEGISLATION TO REQUIRE THAT ANY FUNDS USFS WOULD SPEND TO ENFORCE THE PROPOSED REGULATIONS BE SPENT INSTEAD TO "IMPROVE EXISTING RECREATIONAL FACILITIES." IT WAS ANNOUNCED THAT MR. THOMAS WOULD REMAIN AFTER THE MEETING . PEOPLE WERE INVITED TO STAY AND "TALK TO THE CHIEF." TWO OPPONENTS OF THE PROPOSED REGULATIONS APPROACHED CHIEF THOMAS AND EXPLAINED THAT THERE WAS NO REASON TO "REVISIT" THE EXISTING REGULATORY POLICY ON GROUP GATHERINGS IN NATIONAL FORESTS, BECAUSE THE FIRST AMENDMENT WAS PERFECTLY ADEQUATE. THEY POINTED OUT THAT THE AGENCY OFFERED NO FACTUAL BASIS TO JUSTIFY TRANSFORMING THE RIGHT OF PEACEABLE ASSEMBLY ON PUBLIC LAND INTO A PRIVILEGE, AND THAT EVEN INTERNAL FOREST SERVICE COMMENT ON THE REGULATIONS REFERRED TO LESS RESTRICTIVE ALTERNATIVES. ASKED TO ARRANGE A PUBLIC MEETING TO DETERMINE ANY FACTUAL BASIS FOR, OR TO FIND A LESS RESTRICTIVE ALTERNATIVE TO, THE PROPOSED RULES, THE CHIEF ASSERTED THAT HIS HANDS WERE TIED BECAUSE THE AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT, GENERAL COUNCIL'S OFFICE, HAD TAKEN THE POSITION THAT "A PUBLIC MEETING" WOULD CONSTITUTE AN "INAPPROPRIATE EX PARTE COMMUNICATION." CHIEF THOMAS DID NOT DISAGREE THAT THE IDEA OF EQUATING A PUBLIC MEETING WITH AN EX PARTE (ONE PARTY) COMMUNICATION WAS ABSURD. INSTEAD, HE EXPLAINED, "THE GENERAL COUNCIL ISN'T MY LAWYER. THE GENERAL COUNCIL IS THE GOVERNMENT'S LAWYER." PERHAPS IT WAS GETTING LATE, BUT WHEN ONE OF THE FREE ASSEMBLY ADVOCATES ACCUSED THE CHIEF OF "TALKING NONSENSE," THE CHIEF SNAPPED, "YOU'RE GETTING IN MY FACE. I DON'T HAVE TO TAKE THIS." . HE PROMPTLY LEFT THE OMNI SHOREHAM HOTEL. AS PEOPLE EXITED CHIEF THOMAS' MEETING, USFS EMPLOYEES DISTRIBUTED A FLYER WHICH HAD BEEN PREPARED WHILE THE MEETING WAS IN PROGRESS. IT WAS QUESTIONABLE WHETHER THE CHIEF ACTUALLY HEARD WHAT WAS SAID AT THE MEETING, NOTABLY ABSENT FROM THE FLYER WAS THE WORD "BUREAUCRAT," OR ANY OF ITS DERIVATIVES. ALTHOUGH CHIEF THOMAS HAD BEEN CLEARLY TOLD THAT THERE WAS NO NEED TO REVISIT GROUP USE REGULATIONS, THE FLYER DECLARED: "AT THE WASHINGTON, DC MEETING WE HEARD... THE FOREST SERVICE NEEDS TO REVISIT ITS POLICY ON GROUP GATHERINGS IN NATIONAL FORESTS." ***** IF CHIEF THOMAS' MEETING REPRESENTED LIBERALISM, THE NEXT DAY THE CATO INSTITUTE PRESENTED THE CONSERVATIVE POINT OF VIEW. R.J SMITH, ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOLAR WITH THE COMPETITIVE ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE, "THE MILTON FRIEDMAN CAPITALISM AND FREEDOM" SCHOOL OF RESOURCE STEWARDSHIP, DELIVERED THE ONLY CONCRETE ALTERNATIVE TO THE BUREAUCRACY PRESENTLY CONTROLLING PUBLIC LAND AND RESOURCES. HE SUGGESTED THAT THE NATIONAL PARKS BE AUCTIONED TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, DISNEYLAND, OR THE SIERRA CLUB, IT DIDN'T MATTER, NO ONE COULD DO A LESS EFFICIENT JOB OF STEWARDING THE NATIONAL TREASURES THAN THE PRESENT STEWARDS, HE SAID. TO STRENGTHEN MR. SMITH'S POINT, AUTHOR KARL HESS, JR. NOTED, "DISNEYLAND IS THE LARGEST TRAINER OF PARK SERVICE EMPLOYEES." ALTHOUGH "DEMOCRACY" WAS MENTIONED AT BOTH MEETINGS, NEITHER MEETING CONSIDERED ALL PERSPECTIVES. TREE HUGGERS, FOR EXAMPLE, WERE NOTABLY UNDER-REPRESENTED AT BOTH EVENTS. BUT MANY AGREED, AND NONE DENIED, THAT "BUREAUCRACY" WAS A MAJOR SOURCE OF INEFFICIENCY, APATHY, AND UNRESPONSIVENESS. *** ASSUMING THAT THE WORLD OF TOMORROW IS A PRODUCT OF TODAY'S IDEAS, IF THE TOWN MEETING ON REINVENTING THE FOREST SERVICE AND THE TIME FOR PERESTROIKA IN AMERICA'S PARKS FORUM ARE ANY INDICATION OF TODAY'S IDEAS, WE CAN EXPECT TOMORROW'S WORLD TO HAVE NICE LYRICS, BE ABSOLUTELY DEVOID OF SUBSTANCE, AND BE RUN BY BUREAUCRATS. -- D.C. Scribe _______________________________________________________________ INFORMATION IS POWER; PREREQUISITE TO DEMOCRACY IS AN INFORMED ELECTORATE _______________________________________________________________ TRUTH IN GOVERNMENT Radiation victims and survivors may now access long secret information from the Department of Energy (DOE), said Dan Guttman, Executive Director, President's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (PACHRE), at a recent organizing conference in Silver Spring, Maryland.. Guttman said researchers are needed to help with the massive task of sifting through government records. Folks can just walk into the PACHRE office, 1726 M Street NW Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036, or call Steve or Lenny at (202) 254-9795 to obtain more information on how and where to investigate who tested whom, when and where. Unfortunately, Guttman said that PACHRE's research mandate did not extend to the results of nuclear bomb testing, but he and Bob Alvarez, DOE Office of Policy, said the immediate priority is to relax restriction of all information, which would enable the general public to do research not covered by the Committee's mandate. _________________________________________________________________ _ "GOOD" NEWS FROM THE GOVERNMENT FEDERAL OFFICIALS HAVE ANNOUNCED THAT MODERN TECHNOLOGY WILL ALLOW THEM TO SAVE $1.2 MILLION DOLLARS BY SWITCHING FROM PRINTED FOOD STAMPS TO PLASTIC CARDS, WITH MAGNETIC STRIPS, LIKE CREDIT CARDS, AND THEY'RE SERIOUS. SOME PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED THEIR PLASTIC WELFARE CARDS, AND REPORT THAT THE CARD'S MAGNETIC STRIP WON'T ALLOW A CARD FROM ONE STATE TO BE USED IN A DIFFERENT STATE. CONSIDER HOW THIS TECHNOLOGY MIGHT BE COUPLED WITH OTHER TECHNOLOGIES. REMEMBER THE IDEA OF ORBITING SATELLITES WITH LASERS TO SHOOT DOWN INCOMING NUCLEAR WARHEADS? HOW ABOUT TECHNOLOGY TO TARGET SPACE BASED FIRE ON THE BASIS OF INFORMATION CONTAINED ON MAGNETIC DISCS? IT CAN BE SUCH AN INCONVENIENCE TO LOSE YOUR PLASTIC CARD, BUT EXPERTS PREDICT THAT IT WON'T BE LONG BEFORE IT WILL BE TECHNOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE TO IMPLANT MAGNETIC CHIPS UNDER A PERSON'S SKIN. LOSS PROOF SECURITY, OR THE MARK OF THE BEAST? -- Ed. ____________________________________________________________-Why I'm Not Coming to this Year's Annual Gathering by Redmoonsong Greetings, sisters and brothers, may we always use our conflicts in the service of understanding and justice. As a grandmother who has been somewhat involved with Rainbow Family Gatherings for the past four years, I felt some of you might be interested in my reflections. BALANCING FEMALE AND MALE ENERGY: When I had just come to the Minnesota Gathering (I knew no one), I was looking for old wimmin mentors. I was shocked by the overwhelming male energies - at the gates, at the kitchens, in the circles. Not just more men (which there are), but loudness & crudeness, too. It was not an inviting atmosphere for me as a woman. I have attempted over the past few years to call out female energy from both wimmin and men in an effort to balance these dynamic universal forces. The "traditions" of Rainbow that I've observed/participated in are stacked against this evolution. Many feel, in fact, that Rainbow has been devolving for many years. Perhaps, I don't know. All I know is that I'm interested in helping folks (particularly young folks) learn and practice sustainable lifestyles. Wherever and whenever that may be. Are we living and practicing sustainable lifestyles? Are we seeking the balance between Mother Earth & Father Sky in our own lives? What would a more balanced Gathering look like? DECISION MAKING PROCESS: After working in cooperatives and collectives for many years, I was very unprepared for the absence of alternative working group process as obvious education models. As a grandmother, I realize how young people watch and mimic the behavior of older folks (except for certain "rebellious" periods), and I try to act responsibly for their benefit as well as mine. Making decisions fairly in an egalitarian and participatory environment is essential for societal change. How many folks come away from Gatherings with the skills and desire to operate collectively in their everyday lives? My experience with the circles leaves very few options when dealing with disrespectful participants - leave the circle, or sit and be abused, or disrespect the process myself - none are options that suit my soul. I need insight and more experienced folks for guidance in these areas. I don't complain about the use of the circle for many things. However, there are many ways to resolve issues and conflicts. More creative solutions, please! CREATING "SAFE" SPACE: After spending 23 years guiding my own biological children (where sometimes one must say, "enough!" in health, safety, or other matters), it is very hard to watch folks doing dangerous or foolish things with no one saying, "enough!" After 23 years of Gatherings one would think that there would be an enormous amount of grandmas/grandpas, moms/dads, and in the middle of typical fiesta in Mexico. Where have all the old ones gone? Where are the young? Not a strong enough presence at the annual,that's for sure. Is that what has happened with annual Gatherings? Do wimmin and children feel safe? ROLE MODELS: In all societies/tribes, each person played a particular part of that tribe. In Hopi the uncles taught their nephews and aunts taught their nieces. The children's parents played a different role. Each child looked up to older siblings, friends, relatives and tried to behave in a mature respectful way around them. The elder folks recognized their responsibility to model the very best traits to promote cooperation and community in the young. How well are the old folks modeling their very best? What traits do we want to encourage, for example, in the new male, who will have a very different power relationship with the new female? Or in white supremacists who do not yet know that our survival on this planet depends on cooperation between all colors of people? SELF DISCIPLINE: When I was a young mother of 22, with three children under 4, I didn't have time to think about whether I "liked" to do dishes or "liked" to wash diapers. It needed to be done. Period. As difficult as those years were, I now have the priceless gift of self-discipline. No matter how creative we are, without self discipline, all our visions stay just that - visions, with no accompanying manifestation. If we want to manifest our dreams, we must understand and practice self- discipline, whether that's cleaning up after ourselves (and others sometimes), or smoking less. Do we want to encourage these values? HYGIENE: In the animal world, if an animal is dirty or scraggly, you know it's sick. All over the world, this is also the standard in human society (including tribal peoples). Being unkempt encourages disease and insect infestation. Our body is our spirit lodge on earth. What are the best ways to honor our body? How do we optimize our health to live long and wisely? Does the Gathering promote this sensibility? HIDDEN AGENDAS: Rainbow has no formal leaders. There are many people, however, who influence others for good and evil. Influence can be bought with a case of beer or cigarettes; with misinformation and rumors; with stonewalling and abusive council practices. I have witnessed all these things. I would prefer to function in a framework of honesty & informed consent. Is here anywhere like that? Does everything have to be a model of U.S.A. maneuvering? Behind the scenes, Rainbow's annual is like that, only no one's held accountable. And, because we want to protect the Family from these external forces who would destroy us, we are being destroyed from within. How many folks know what goes on? How many care? These are just a few of the areas of questions that I've posed to myself and others. Some folks say that Rainbow is an exercise in acceptance and unconditional love. On one hand, I agree totally. On the other, my grandmother energy cries out that every year a small number of people act irresponsibly and use enormous energies of the whole group. To me this is not a sustainable framework. When the wounded overwhelm the healthy, the society will perish. Rainbow and the dominant society both follow this pattern. The constant infusion of new idealistic people every year (and the loss of burnt out ones) keeps the flow going and keeps us repeating many patterns that don't work but don't have time to evolve to anything else. I've heard that more experimentation and focus exists in the old family regional. Maybe that's where I go next. It's been suggested that we do annuals every 2 or 3 years in order to be able to put more energy into regional development. I totally agree. The annual uses much energy, attracts folks who just want to party (too many), and allows a core established group to monopolize misinformation and set the tone early on. After Alabama last year, when I saw the repetition of those same patterns yet another year, I decided that spending 3 months a year on the annual gathering was not the best use of my time. My main question always is, "with my assets & liabilities, where is the best place for my energy right now?" Rainbow sensibility is part of my life now. I carry that wherever I go, with whomever I meet. There are many people that I know and love and will miss seeing and working with this year. There are others who would be doing their sisters and brothers a favor if they would skip this gathering. I love you all. I hope these questions inspire some creative ideas to work with. I don't know what my next move will be but it will be centered on the love and potential peace that is the Rainbow vision. Redmoonsong June 1994 _____________________________________________________________ REASON TO FEAR? If there are "wimmin and children" who don't feel safe at gatherings, my guess is that the threat of arrest or harassment by police might be a contributing factor. -- peacefeather __________________________________________________________ STATISTICS INDICATE UNREASONABLE FEAR! Under the prevailing Babylonian social structure on Earth today physical violence is certainly a reasonable possibility. But is it particularly rational to fear violence at a Rainbow Gathering? Figures cited in the Forest Service's Report on the 1992 Rainbow Gathering in Delta County, Colorado seem to indicate that, while Rainbow Gatherings aren't perfect, they are twice as peaceful as your average American county. "The Rainbow Family gathering represented a doubling of Delta County's population [20,000].'" Report, pg. 33. "A total of 43 Rainbow Family members were arrested during the gathering period (June 15 -July 15)." Report pg 31, parentheses in original. "For comparison, arrests made in Delta County in 1991 for the period of June 15 through July 15, totaled 81. In 1992, the total number of arrests for the same period is 125." Id. pg. 32. Statistics may prove that Rainbow Gatherings aren't perfect, but simple math shows adding 20,000 Rainbow Family members to a resident Delta County population of 20,000, resulted in only a 50% increase of recorded crime. On the other hand, if someone is interested in making societal change and decisions fairly in an egalitarian and participatory environment, but because every year a small number of people act irresponsibly and use enormous energies of the whole group, is it reasonable for the societal changer to look for some other group which might be easier to change? And is the cut and run strategy consistent with grandmother energy that realizes how young people watch and mimic the behavior of older folks? -- Editor _____________________________________________________________- WHEN ONE IS ENSLAVED, THERE IS SLAVERY On May 6, 1993 the Forest Service published a proposed rule (Federal Register Vol. 58, No. 86), making at least two things clear. First, the proposal would restrict the "First Amendment" (id. p. 26940), effectively transforming free assembly on public land into a privilege/crime. Second, lacking any factual justification, the legal principles referred to by the government as authority for the proposed regulation are found in Clark v. Community for Creative Non-Violence, 468 U.S. 288, 293 (1984). The Forest Service proposal is a serious matter. 36 CFR 261.1(b) provides a penalty of six months in prison and a $500.00 fine. TIMES HAVE CHANGED. COURTS DON'T HAVE AS MUCH RESPECT FOR THE BILL OF RIGHTS AS THEY DID A FEW YEARS AGO. The idea of a permit requirement actually seems reasonable to a lot of people. It was conceived under Reagan, proposed under Bush, and approved under Clinton. Even though similar regulations have gone down in court before, we think it is unrealistic to expect that the judicial system can be depended upon to uphold fundamental freedoms. Since June 3, 1981, there has been a vigil seeking wisdom, honesty, justice, freedom, equality and peace on earth, across the street from the White House in Peace (Lafayette) Park. In direct response to this vigil the government has passed four regulations to curtail expression. It has been disturbing to watch the "body of law," established by the government in Peace Park, used to limit the freedom of others. This is happening now with the Forest Service regulation, which cites Clark vs. Community for Creative Non-Violence, a case that came from Peace Park.. It was Peace Park vigilers, not the Community for Creative Non-Violence, who were originally charged with violating the regulation at issue in Clark. It was also Peace Park folks who were first sentenced to prison for violating that regulation: United States v. Thomas & Thomas, 864 F.2d 188 (1988). Meanwhile the government passed three additional regulations affecting Peace Park. For years Thomas argued in court, challenging the authority of the Clark decision to suppress free thought and expression (e.g., Thomas, et. al. v. United States, et. al., 696 F. Supp. 702 (1988), Thomas, et. al. v. News World Communications, et. al., 681 F. Supp. 55 (1988), Thomas v. Lujan, 791 F. Supp. 321 (1992), Thomas, et. al. v. Reagan, et. al., S.Ct. No. 92-6732 (1993)), and defending against criminal charges under the new regulations. This arguing produced a body of bad law. Ironically, when the body of Thomas law finally came to rest in the Supreme Court it was the author of the Clark majority decision, Justice White, who alone voted for a fair hearing in Thomas v. Reagan. When Thurgood Marshall -- who joined with Justice Brennan in a very intelligent dissent from the Clark opinion -- retired from the Supreme Court, he stated, "This court no longer rules by reason, but by force." While Justice White's dissent in Thomas might indicate a personal change of heart from his decision in Clark, one vote was not enough. The full court's decision in Thomas indicates that Justice Marshall was correct. Marshall and Brennan are both gone. Current interpretations of the principles stated in Clark provide the legal authority for a police state. Our experience, and the opinion in Thomas, leads us to believe that it is unreasonable to expect the judicial system to reverse the government's authoritarian trend. If this assessment is accurate, there is no good reason to expect the courts to favor the First Amendment against whatever regulation the Forest Service eventually writes. Therefore, it is suggested that rather than concentrate on courtroom strategies to oppose this police state regulation, other, more direct, tactics might be given greater consideration. IF YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE, LET US KNOW! IF YOU CARE ABOUT THESE ISSUES WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE THINKING, BECAUSE DIVIDED WE FALL!! Peace Park Vigilers P.O. Box 27217 Washington, D.C. 20038 e-mail (202) 462-0757 _______________________________________________________- EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY!! FOR INDEPENDENT, SELF-MOTIVATED PEOPLE WHO LOVE FUTURE GENERATIONS. Wounded Earth Environmental Project is an opportunity for people to take part in a worker operated consensus collective, restoring habitat, streams, ecological balance, water for the future. We become Buffalo People, Everything People, resourceful and spirited people, using every appropriate method; Opening the way for People using Everything we can muster. There is a Way to Reestablish our Balance. A balanced circle to turn the future away from disaster. Working to establish a collective consensus council circle with strong agreements of commitment for living peaceably. Consensus tradition is based in respect; rights of the individual in Unity with Community - Consensus in Silence, so even the smallest voice can be heard. Brought to you by natural selection; the choice of communities for millennia . of RESTORATION! DIRECT ACTION! A CALL TO ACTION - Work begins in '94 - A Year of Action. WEEP is looking for 1000 persons, Willing Workers, to gather the appropriate tools of an Eco-Peacemaker (warrior); to catalogue wounded areas; to gather supplies - shovels, baskets, compost, many things; to understand the Deep Ecology of a Peace Village Community, Living on the Earth, dedicating at least One Year for Restoration. Potential sites exist in Montana, other places. Wounded Earth Environmental Project PO Box 8574 Missoula, MT 59807 406-549-6892 ____________________________________________________ Prohibition Enslaves As with all previous attempts at prohibition, the attempt has been a dismal failure, people simply aren't deterred from marijuana usage because of its illegality. Yet the prohibition continues and vast amounts of time, energy, and money are spent in the effort. In Josephine County, Oregon, 20% of the felony cases processed trough the Circuit Court involved marijuana, 75% of those cases involved marijuana possessed, or grown for personal consumption. This reflects national trends. In the calm light of understanding, we realize that the effort to prohibit marijuana - born in hysteria and racism, continued in self-righteousness and repression - has no substantial basis whatsoever. No fact, whether - political, economic, medical, moral, or correctional - can justify the effort. - Michael E. Rose, Attorney at Law. _________________________________________ "Marijuana has been known to humankind for untold thousands of years. Government has attempted to prohibit its use for the past 50. The body of literature (archaeological, anthropological, philological, economic, historical, etc.) in general agreement that, at the very least: For more than 1,000 years before the time of Christ until 1883 A.D.. cannabis hemp - indeed, marijuana - was our planet's largest agricultural crop and most important industry for thousands upon thousands of products and enterprises; producing the overall majority of earth's fiber, fabric, lighting oil, paper, incense and medicines as well as a primary source of protein for humans and animals alike. Botanically hemp is a member of the most advanced plant family on Earth. It is a dioecious (i.e., having male, female and sometimes hermaphroditic) woody, herbaceous annual that uses the sun more efficiently than virtually any other plant on our planet, reaching a robust 12 to 20 feet or more in one short growing season. It can be grown in virtually any climate or soil condition on Earth, even marginal ones. The earliest known woven fabric was apparently of hemp, which began to be worked in the eighth millennium B.C. In 1619, America's first marijuana law was enacted at Jamestown Colony, Virginia, "ordering" all farmers to grow Indian hemp seeds More must-grow hemp cultivation laws were enacted in Massachusetts in 1631, in Connecticut in 1632 and in the Chesapeake Colonies into the mid `1700''s. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew cannabis on their plantations. Jefferson, while envoy to France, went to great expense - and even considerable risk to himself and his secret agents - to procure particularly good hemp seeds smuggled illegally into Turkey from China. The Chinese Mandarin rulers so valued their hemp seeds that they made their exportation a capital offense. Hemp is, by far, Earth's premier, renewable natural resource. This is why hemp is so important." - Jack Herer, The Emperor Wears No Clothes __________________________________________________________ "Because Jennifer Capriati can swat a tennis ball across a net better than most people, and because those swatting talents have earned her an Olympic gold medal and millions of dollars in endorsement deals, her arrest on a marijuana charge was national news. Police in Coral Gables, Florida searched her motel room and found a small amount of the drug - less than an ounce - in her backpack. If Capriati were not a tennis star, and just another teenager, she would have been one of 300,000 Americans arrested this year on marijuana charges. That is one person every two minutes. Criminal prosecution of pot users, whether celebs or low-end drifters, creates the illusion that those waging the drug war - the police, district attorneys, judges and jailers - are on the front line taking 300,000 captives a year. Twenty-nine states have "smoke a joint, lose your driver's license" laws. Someone can murder, rape or be a serial arsonist, and the driver's license is safe. Federal and state studies on auto accidents consistently report that when the dangers of booze and pot are compared, it is no contest. Marijuana related crimes are also minimal when compared with the high rates of homicide, or spouse or child abuse, committed by drinkers. If the police have no right to charge into motel rooms, when they suspect an alcohol addict is on a bender, it is a bizarre law that sanctions ignoring the rights of the marijuana user, a citizen using a substance acknowledged to be far less a danger to society and the individual than alcohol." - Colman McCarthy, Washington Post May 31, 1994 ___________________________________________________________-SOME THOUGHTFUL ODDFELLOWS: "Marijuana is an important medicine we have been overlooking or dismissing. I think it will prove to be one of the least toxic drugs in the pharmacopia." - Dr. Lester Grinspoon, Harvard Medical School. "The blood lust by the DEA against marijuana users is being used to justify an abuse of civil rights." - William F. Buckley Jr., Editor, National Review. ___________________________________________________________ QUESTIONS FROM COLORADO COLORADO COUNCIL HAD CONSENSED TO A REGIONAL GATHERING. SEED CAMP, MAY 10-20, GATHERING, MAY 20-27. BOULDER FAMILY HAD ALLERGIC REACTION TO OUR FLYER! CALLING IT, TOO BUSINESS LIKE, NO DRAWINGS AND HATED THE WORDING: "BRING MONEY FOR THE MAGIC HAT!" BOULDER FAMILY ARE MADE UP OF STREET PEOPLE WHO ARE AGAINST ANY ORGANIZATION AT ALL, YET THEY ARE THEMSELVES ORGANIZED AS TO WHICH DUMPSTERS THEY DIVE IN, WHERE THEY CAMP, ETC. THEY TO ME ARE A CONTRADICTION. ANYWAY THEY CONSENSED THE MAIN GATHERING AS MAY 9-16 IN THEIR OWN FLYER CONCERNING THE SAME SITE. WE WHO CONSENSED ORIGINAL FLYER USED FORMAT FROM 92 COLORADO NATIONAL WITH CHANGES IN RESPECT TO REGIONAL GATHERING, DATES, ETC. WE HAD 2 COUNCILS BEFORE THIS GATHERING. MORNINGSTAR FROM BOULDER FAMILY ATTENDED 1st COUNCIL. WE CONSENSED GOOSE CREEK NEAR DECKERS AS THE SITE AND THE DATES OF SEED, MAY 10-20, GATHERING MAY 20-27. IF HE OBJECTED WHY DIDN'T HE BLOCK CONSENSUS AT THAT TIME. ONLY 6 ATTENDED 2nd COUNCIL. WE TALKED STRATEGY AND CONSENSED FLYER TYPE FORMAT THAT WOULD BE FOLDED AND MAILED WITHOUT ENVELOPE. THE NEXT WEEKEND ROB SAVAGE AND I FOLDED, AFFIXED LABELS & STAMPS TO 200 FLYERS. I WENT DOWN TO BOULDER AND HANDED OUT FLYERS TO BROTHER GREG (A STREET PERSON). HIS RESPONSE WAS NEGATIVE AND HE SAID, "LOOK AT THIS, 'BRING MONEY FOR THE MAGIC HAT,' WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE BRINGING DOWN THE MONEY SYSTEM." IF THIS BROTHER FEELS THAT WAY, WHY HAVE I SEEN HIM PANHANDLING PEOPLE FOR MONEY? KIND OF HYPOCRITICAL TO ME. IF YOU BRING DOWN THE MONEY SYSTEM WHAT YOU HAVE IS PEOPLE KILLING EACH OTHER FOR A LOAF OF BREAD POTENTIALLY SPEAKING. THESE BROTHERS WILL NOT ATTEND COUNCIL , YET THEY ARE QUICK TO CRITICIZE THOSE WHO WORK SO HARD. THEY CALL BROTHERS SUCH AS GARRICK BECK, STEVE PRINCIPLE, ETC. "HIGH HOLIES," AND SAY MAGIC HAT MONEY GOES IN THEIR POCKET. FINALLY MY QUESTION IS: WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OF ALL THIS? SINCERELY - WINTERHAWK, May, 1994 _________________________________________________________- Dear Winterhawk, Since the theme of Almost Free is unity, I will address your observations in the context of unity. First, I remember how disappointing it was last year when - faced with government plans to criminalize gatherings, - the Rainbow Family Gathering occurred in Alabama AND Kentucky. This unconcensused split hinted that ego might be stronger than unity in the Family. Is there strength in unity? Can ego save the Family? It seems, you are asking about two tribes, the Colorado Tribe and the Boulder Tribe, which each, if I understand correctly, held a regional Rainbow gathering at the same site on different dates. It appears thatthe Spirit of unity is not strong between these tribes. It sounds as if communication between the two tribes is weak. In terms of unity, communication is important because it is the only method known by which to achieve understanding. If there is no unity without common understanding, assuming the Boulder and Colorado tribes value unity, perhaps they would be well advised to begin exploring ways to improve communications. On the other hand, if the two tribes have so little in common that they can not get together in the same place at the same time, perhaps they should seek other tribes, which may share more in common. Money, and whether or to what extent the system should be brought down are questions worthy of long and serious councils. To be honest, the opinions on money and the system that you attribute to the Boulder tribe sound similar to my own. But I also think it is more important to walk the walk than to talk the talk. I suspect that, despite all the differences between the Boulder and Colorado tribes, there is some shared Spirit between the groups. If both tribes nurture this shared Spirit , maybe the Spirit can grow to fill the void of division with harmony. But that will require patience, caring and sharing. Is it possible for us to like others as much as we tolerate ourselves? Hang together, or hang separately, -- THOMAS ______________________________________________________________ WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? ____________________________________________ NO ONE MAY SPEAK FOR THE RAINBOW FAMILY A STATEMENT FROM THANKSGIVING COUNCIL TO ALL FAMILY, ESPECIALLY LEGALIAISON VOLUNTEERS, INDIVIDUALS AND/OR AFFINITY GROUPS.: WE, THE THANKSGIVING COUNCIL, WISH TO THANK ALL PEOPLE FOR THEIR INDIVIDUAL EFFORTS OPPOSING THE PROPOSED FOREST SERVICE REGULATIONS 36 CFR 251 & 261. WE WOULD LIKE TO REMIND FOLKS THAT THE ONLY "RECOGNIZED" STATEMENT FROM THE RAINBOW FAMILY TRIBAL COUNCIL OCCURS JULY 1-7 EACH YEAR ON THE LAND. TO THIS EFFECT, THE FOLLOWING CONSENSUS HAS BEEN REACHED: WE AFFIRM, AS THANKSGIVING COUNCIL - '93, THAT LEGALIAISON CONSISTS OF INDIVIDUALS AND AFFINITY GROUPS THAT WORK(S) COMMUNICATE(S), AND COUNCIL(S) TOGETHER FOR PURPOSES OF INFORMATION ON LEGAL ISSUES, BUT WHICH CANNOT SPEAK FOR THE RAINBOW FAMILY TRIBAL COUNCIL, THE RAINBOW FAMILY TRIBAL COUNCIL SPEAKS ONLY FOR ITSELF, JULY 1-7. PLEASE IMPLY NO RAINBOW REPRESENTATION IN NAME OR BY INFERENCE IN CONTENT OR BY SIGNATURE, WHEN COMMUNICATING ABOUT THE FAMILY. per CARLA NEWBRE DECEMBER 13, 1993 ________________________________________________________________ DOES EAST TEXAS SPEAK FOR THE RAINBOW FAMILY? RAINBOW RAINBOW RAINBOW POSITION STATEMENT IN RESPONDING TO THE POSSIBLE APPOINTMENT OF JACK WARD THOMAS TO THE POSITION OF CHIEF OF THE NATIONAL FOREST SERVICE, REFERENCED: NEW YORK TIMES, NATION SECTION, PAGE A20, BY JACK CUSHMAN, THIS DATE, WE WOULD SUPPORT A NON-BUREAUCRATIC, ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS APPOINTMENT SUCH AS MR. THOMAS TO THIS POSITION. IT IS TIME FOR NEW DIRECTIONS IN THE FOREST SERVICE. WE ARE NOT SURPRISED, HOWEVER, THAT THERE ARE FACTIONS WITHIN THE FOREST SERVICE WHO WOULD OPPOSE SUCH AN APPOINTMENT AS IT WILL UPSET "BUSINESS AS USUAL" POLICIES THAT HAVE LED TO DETERIORATION OF FOREST MANAGEMENT AND REGULATORY ABUSE. IT IS HOPED THAT A NEW MANAGEMENT DIRECTION WILL LEAD TO A HEALTHIER ENVIRONMENT, SOUNDER RESOURCE UTILIZATION, AND JOB RETENTION AND SECURITY. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT A PERSON WITH SOME 20 ODD YEARS OF SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES FOREST SERVICE COULD/WOULD/SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS A CAREER CIVIL SERVANT. IT'S REFRESHING TO THINK WE MAY AGAIN HAVE "STEWARDS" RATHER THAN ENFORCERS (INTENT ON REGULATING NON-USE OF THE FOREST BY THE CITIZENS) APPOINTED TO POSITIONS OF DIRECTORSHIP OF THIS AGENCY END EAST TEXAS RAINBOW LEGALIAISON S. Principle Rt. 1, Box 6070 Nacogdoches, Texas 75961 409-569-8693 October 27, 1993 ________________________________________________________ wartalk Dear Editor, Possibly you feel that a unified Rainbow can best defend its right to peacefully Gather. I agree. Let me present one view of the divisions and how they might effect each division's ability to confront the common enemy. The first seperation is between those who know that an inner circle decides which state will be presented to Vision Council for its consent,and those who do not. Those who know are divided between those who like it and those who don't. The defensive energy of those who like it is diminished by the need to defend, consolidate their control of information dissemination nodes. You innocently gave the appearance of such a center. Those who don't like it might rest with the thought that the guv'ment works for them and is only sucked in to the indications and statements of some in the "like it" division that they are working for massive Gatherings so as to someday confront military might with tons of limp bodies. Those who know, care, worry, the Warriors, have been divided. Please remain open to the idea that there are those few working in our national government who feel it intelligent to nurture this division and its agents. We err if we imagine Russians or Statesiders have rejected the principles of government taught to us as children simply because they have been corrupted in practice. We love the idea of being governed with our consent. This loved idea requires we Gather in parties to work to gather votes to create the government to which we consent to be governed. The Reds felt justified in allowing their one party, which controlled communications, to decide to what all would consent. The communication organs of the Living Light Party haven't mentioned the existence of one party so that others will not form. They haven't been clear to those who don't know that not all Rainbows belong to the Family of Living Light. In unattributed blurbs they claim that the Family has always avoided politics. They disrespect English by stating, "Consensus really means consent." Government by consent? One answer is for the party to bring their decision into the light of a vote. Consensus in the English sense would ensue; a consensus of all who agree with them. The rest would not be "disregarded" as the organs suggest. They could consent to join the consensus or not. I promise to direct all my bytes to the party in power over the Potomoc then. -- Love Hierophantes - 6\94 _____________________________________________________ peacetalk Dear Heirphantes- It seems we agree that a unified Rainbow can best defend its right to peacefully Gather.against the common enemy, and that there are divisions in the Family. In your opinion the greatest divide is between those who know that an inner circle decides which state will be presented to Vision Council for its consent, and those who do not. After that things are not so clear. Do you mean that those who support the conspiracy to decide the site of the Gathering "are working for massive Gatherings so as to someday confront military might with tons of limp bodies?" If this is the conspirators motive, when do you think it began? 1972, 1982, 1992, earlier, perhaps in San Francisco? It also isn't clear whether you are writing from the perspective of one who thinks "that the guv'ment works for them." However, if this is your perspective then it would be reasonable for you to be more concerned with the conspirators on the land than with the conspirators on the Potomac; or to feel greater security with the police and military than with A-Camp or the High Holies. Assuming the validity of your conspiracy theory, please remain open to the possibility that there are not two, but actually three different Rainbow groups: those who like the conspiracy, those who don't, and those, like myself, who don't give half a hoot what state the Gathering occurs in, but feel caught between power-trippers and well meaning folks with less than a total grasp of reality. On the other hand, please also try to remain open to the possibility that there is no conspiracy. It's not altogether clear, but my guess is that by "communications organs," you are referring to All Ways Free and the Guide. The simple fact that those publication "haven't mentioned the existence of (A Living Light Party) doesn't prove that such a party exits. After all, just because someone doesn't say they have an elephant in their pocket, doesn't necessarily mean that they are pocketing a pachyderm. Is the government conspiring against the people? Is the Living Light Party conspiring to make the government look bad by goading it into taking military action against Rainbow Gatherings? How much time do you think we must spend on theoretical conjecture before we get together and take some positive action? In sum, it seems, you choose to believe the Rainbow Family is dominated by an exclusive consipracy; I prefer to believe membership is open to anyone with a belly button. -- Ed. ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ RAP 701 In preparation for leaving ... Pack up all your trash and bring to the appropriate recycle areas. Dismantle and disappear your encampment. Vanish ALL traces. Firerocks scattered, ashes cold out and buried, pits filled in. Latrines and compost holes, covered over. String and twine get removed from tree limbs. Hardened ground gets aerated with tools for future root growth and moisture catch. All litter is picked up. Help with removing, recycling. Where everyone helps, the effort is easy. When an area is clear and clean, then NATURALIZE! Scatter logs, branches, leaves, duff to disappear trails and camps and renew forest habitat. H2O systems and latrine tops are removed and cleaned for next time. In parking areas help with disabled vehicles and fully dismantle ramps and bridges. Steep places are water-barred to prevent erosion. The final crew reseeds appropriate seed to renew vegetation and complete the process. Transport as many riders as possible to aid our travels. Treat local folks with great kindness. They have been kind to us. Drive safely and share this love wherever you go. ___________________________________________________________ GOVERNMENT RECOGNIZES THE RAINBOW FAMILY "The Rainbow Family of Living Light gathers annually for what they consider to be a celebration of their bond with the earth and to pray for world peace and healing. Gatherings always occur on National Forest System land, in a different state each year. Family members gather in numbers ranging from 5,000 to 35,000. Rainbow Family followers range from 'old hippies,'new age followers, chronically unemployed to successful main stream society professionals. Everyone is invited and anyone is welcome... "The official Rainbow Family of Living Light Peace and Healing gathering runs from July 1 through July 7, however, Rainbow Family members begin to prepare the selected gathering site in early June. Numbers grow from several hundred early on, peak during the official gathering, then dwindle to a few who remain for the final site cleanup, into early August... "Past attempts by the Forest Service to manage gatherings under a permit system have been unsuccessful. The Rainbow Family is a very loosely organized group, with on official leaders, or representatives. No one will sign a permit for the Family. More importantly, the existing regulations concerning large group gatherings have been ruled to be unconstitutional, because they violate the 'freedom of religious expression' clause of the First Amendment (U.S. vs. Israel, CR-86-027-TUC-RMB [D. Ariz. 1986], U.S. vs. Rainbow Family, 695 F.2d 314 [ED. Tex. 1988]). The Rainbow Family considers their gathering to be a religious observance." -- Rainbow Gathering, 1993, Report, Paonia Ranger District. ______________________________________________________ HOWDY FOLKS! WE, WHO ARE BROTHERS & SISTERS, CHILDREN OF GOD PEOPLES OF LIFE ON EARTH , FRIENDS OF NATURE & OF ALL PEOPLE, CHILDREN OF HUMANKIND CALLING OURSELVES RAINBOW FAMILY TRIBE, HUMBLY INVITE: ALL RACES. PEOPLES, TRIBES, COMMUNES, MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN, INDIVIDUALS -- OUT OF LOVE ALL NATIONS & NATIONAL LEADERS -- OUT OF RESPECT ALL RELIGIONS & RELIGIOUS LEADERS -- OUT OF FAITH ALL POLITICIANS -- OUT OF CHARITY TO JOIN WITH US IN GATHERING TOGETHER FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPRESSING OUR SINCERE DESIRE THAT THERE SHALL BE PEACE ON EARTH, HARMONY AMONG ALL PEOPLE & TO HOLD OPEN WORSHIP, PRAYER, CHANTING, OR WHATEVER IS THE WANT OR DESIRE OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THREE DAYS, BUT UPON THE FOURTH DAY OF JULY At NOON TO ASK THAT THERE BE A MEDITATIVE, CONTEMPLATIVE SILENCE WHEREIN WE, THE INVITED PEOPLE OF THE WORLD, MAY CONSIDER & GIVE HONOR & RESPECT TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING THAT HAS AIDED IN THE POSITIVE EVOLUTION OF HUMANKIND & NATURE UPON THIS OUR MOST BELOVED & BEAUTIFUL WORLD -- ASKING BLESSING UPON WE PEOPLE OF THIS WORLD & HOPE THAT WE PEOPLE CAN EFFECTIVELY PROCEED TO EVOLVE EXPAND & LIVE IN HARMONY & PEACE. _______________________________________________________ WHY NO PERMITS: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THE RAINBOW FAMILY TRIBAL COUNCIL DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THE UNITED STATES BUREAUCRACY'S RIGHT TO GIVE OR WITHHOLD PERMISSION FOR THIS GATHERING. IN REGARD TO THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT WRITTEN FOR THIS GATHERING, WE DO NOT CONSIDER IT VALID OR LEGAL. A CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT CAN ONLY BE VALID IF BOTH PARTIES INVOLVED AGREE. WE BELIEVE THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE, AS GUARANTEED IN THE CONSTITUTION, IS THE ONLY PERMIT WE NEED. IN ALL SINCERITY WITH PEACE RAINBOW FAMILY TRIBAL COUNCIL -- July 4, 1985 _________________________________________________________- RAP 107 PLEASE PROTECT OUR LAND *Harm no living thing; use only down dead wood, cut no living trees. *Drop no litter of any kind. Separate trash for recycling and deposit at collection sites. Put only vegetable matter in compost pits. Protect our water! *Use no soap in or within 50 feet of water areas. *Do not pee or poop in or near water areas. *Do not camp above springs. *Use your own cup, bowl & spoon, wash them thoroughly, including a bleach dip. *Use only latrine trenches. Clean up after children & pets. Cover feces and toilet paper with dirt & ashes. Wash Hands. (Break the fly connection! Feces - fly - food - you.) *Visit CALM if you feel ill, especially if you might have a communicable disease. *Drink only water that has been boiled briskly for ten minutes. *Keep your camp secure. "Tempt not lest ye be lifted from." *Pets should be left home. Be responsible for your animals. Keep them out of kitchens, food & fights. *Keep only community fires. *Discourage all forms of drug overindulgence. *Participate in Shanti Sena workshops & activities. *Weapons are inappropriate. *Donate to magic hat. Our power combined is many times our power separate. *Confront the Rainbow with an open heart and you will see the vision!