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Report File The Answer to Your Question is in the Internet
Interview with Students
Interview with Students

Julia:"Though I didn't much care for English class before, I can now exchange ideas with my friends by e-mail, making it a lot more fun. The spell checker also comes in handy. Besides that, I really enjoy the convenience of making able to write compositions or perform other school assignments just about anywhere I choose."
Shannon:"With the use of the Internet in the classroom, science has become a lot more fun. It's interesting to access pictures, photographs and other materials. I am personally fond of animals, and am thinking about becoming a veterinarian in the future. I used to feel put off by computers, but now am very comfortable working on them."
Tez:"When we were studying 'The Old Man and the Sea' by Hemingway, I found the author's biography on the Internet, and investigated the relationship between his life and the story line in the novel. Our teacher tells us about the websites, and then we also access them on our own and find links to other related sites. I feel this process is very important."
Alejandro:"I like science, because I can find the information and answers I am looking for on the Internet. I didn't used to like to write by hand, but now being able to compose in such clean and neat fashion I've come to enjoy writing much more. In no time at all, the computer has become a key part of my everyday lifestyle."
Nicole:"In science classes, at first even the teacher wasn't used to the computer. But after that we learned how to access the Internet, and the class became very interesting. With only two schools in all of America being given this chance, I feel very lucky."
Azy:"In the beginning, when neither the teachers or the students really understood how to handle the computers, we took a course in computer basics. That turned out to be really useful. Now we can use the Internet to download graphs, images and other data, which has made science so much easier to understand."



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