need to contact!!!
10 Feb 1993 03:26:06

Thomas of prop1 is tring to find out how to contact these people
if you know how please send mail to him at and also
send it too me
> Do you know about Working Assets, the long distance telephone
> company that does letter writing, and phone calling campaigns?
> Specifically do you know how to contact them?/

* Michael (chicken) Ezrine *********************************************
* c/o Chicken * This is for mail and message drop ONLY! *
* 2303 Hidden Glen Dr. * I am in Region 16 (on the road) and get *
* Owings Mills, MD 21117 * mail and messages from time to time. *
* (410)-252-0306 *****************************************
* E-Mail: *
* ******
* *

"If wilderness is outlawed, only outlaws can save the wilderness."
-Ed Abbey

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