Fall Council/1994 Calendar

Stephen R. Johgart (sjohgart@igc.apc.org)
Sun, 07 Nov 1993 19:39:42 -0800 (PST)

Howdy everybody!

I just returned from the small, quite informal council in Kalamazoo.
Attending were: Connie, bill-i, me, Otter, Swooping Heron, Morningsong,
Blue Hoosier Elf, and Racchimuskillingum. Here's what happened:

Mainly, we decided on a basic calendar for 1994, which is as follows:

February 10-13: Second Annual Winter Regional Love-In Camp-Out,
Nordhouse Dunes, Michigan.

Late May/Early June: Regional Gathering, Wisconsin. A major stopover on
the road to Wyoming.

June 4-5: Southern Michigan Rainbow Yard Sale, probably in Ann Arbor.
You can contribute any saleable stuff you're not using any more (books,
music and small appliances are especially good sellers, but anything
this side of junk sometimes sells--one never knows).

June 18: Picnic, Gallup Park, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Rainbow noon until
???. Network rides and caravans to Wyoming, and plan the One Mitten
Kitchen for the Gathering (the name for the Michigan kitchen is the
other idea we came up with this weekend--what is the sound of one

July 5: Michigan (and Midwest?) Council, One Mitten Kitchen at the
Rainbow Gathering in Wyoming, 4:00 P.M.

July 23: As usual the last day of the Ann Arbor Art Fairs, we
anticipate total chaos in the Arb beginning around 2:00 (nothing
organized, you bet!).

August 27: Southeast Michigan Picnic, Belle Isle, Detroit, north end of
the island near the Livingstone Light, 3:00 - 7:00 P.M.

September 22 - 25: Autumn Equinox Regional Gathering, Michigan. Exact
location to be determined.

October 15: Autumn Colors Picnic, site in Southern Michigan to be

November 5 & 6: Autumn Midwest Council, Michigan, site to be

Second Sunday and last Sunday of each month: Picnic in warmer months,
pancake breakfast in colder months, Madison, Wisconsin.

Every Sunday: Vegetarian Potluck and Drum Circle, Earth Community,
19731 Forrer, Detroit, 6:00 to Midnight. Info: Charlie - (313)
548-7235 or Community Hotline - (313) 493-0543

Contacts except as otherwise noted:

For Michigan events: Great Lakes Rainbow - Michigan, P.O. Box 3433,
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3433. (313) 761-4243 or (517) 886-4251.

For Wisconsin events: Madison/Wisconsin Rainbow Family Circle, P.O. Box
3314, Madison, WI 53704-3314 (608) 242-1126

We Love You!!!


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