FNB, Food Inspection Report

02 Oct 1993 15:50:24

Food Not Bombs 415 330 5030
3145 Geary #12 SF CA 94118

tax ID 94-3111898 Coalition on Homelessness

When Dave and others were arrested on Wednesday, the
city had Edward Walsh (Inspector) on hand from
the Dept. of Public Health. Here is the trivia
he generated:

San Francisco Department of Public Health
Bureau of Environmental Health
District No 2
Food Inspection Report

(415) 292 2145 office hours 8-8:30Am 4-5PM
11:45 Am 9-29-93 (inspection Date)

Address: Civic Center Plaza
Business Name: Food Not Bombs
Permittee (overstriked) Chandler, Richard/ Hampton, RJ/
Reber, Pam / Hartsough, David

Type Establishment: Food Distribution

The following items represent health code violations and must be
corrected by the indicated dates: (left blank)

[we were 'u', unsatisfactory on the following counts:]
22 - temperature
Provide equipment to maintain all potentially
hazardous at a <= 45 degrees F or >= 140 degrees F

24 - storage methods
Store food in appropriate containers.
Provide overhead protection for all food
containers, utensils, and table in which
food distribution occurs.
All food containers must be raised off the floor
a minimum of 6 inches or stored on dollies
or pallets.

26 - preperation/service
All food served must be obtained from an approved

28 - transportation
Discontinue transporting food served to the public
in unapproved vehicles.

43 - utensils/ wash
Provide potable water, liquid soap and paper towels
for handwashing of food handlers.

44 - utensils/ sanit.
Provide soap, potable water and sanitizer in buckets
for clean and sanitizing equipment and multiuse

signed Edward P Walsh. Inspector

[What's wrong with this picture?]

The opinions expressed herewith reflect no consensus on
the part of Food Not Bombs, Fractal Factory or any
combination of Aaron, Andrew, Keith, Scott or others.
Unless otherwise specifically mentioned. andyrose@netcom.com

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